Drugs You Have Done

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Drugs You Have Done

When I was a teenager, I habitually sent off for samples of 'herbal highs' that would be advertised in the back of Sounds, Kerrang, The Daily Goth etc.

Not once did I experience a herbal high. Herbal stink, yes. Herbal toxic clouds, yes. Herbal high, no.
I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.

Drugs You Have Done

I actually tried smoking banana peels once. Everything became 2D and I got my first migraine.

First acid experience was at a theater during a double feature of El Topo/The Holy Mountain by Jodorowsky. Then I had to drive back over the Canadian border and deal with border guards while tripping balls.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Drugs You Have Done

Adam I wrote:When I was a teenager, I habitually sent off for samples of 'herbal highs' that would be advertised in the back of Sounds, Kerrang, The Daily Goth etc.

Not once did I experience a herbal high. Herbal stink, yes. Herbal toxic clouds, yes. Herbal high, no.

It was a 'herbal' high that eventually put paid to my stoner days. I didn't have any tobacco to roll a joint with one evening so I went through all the dry herbs I could find in the kitchen and used those. Fenugreek, fennel seeds, dried coriander, a couple of bay leaves - basically, I was smoking a curry. After ten minutes of next to no reaction, I had what can only be described as a total internal collapse. My heart appeared to be playing some kind of free-jazz rhythm. It felt like my eyes had been sucked into my skull and my brain had shrivelled up to the size of a gonad. I jumped into a bath of cold water (it's well past midnight) to try and keep myself from falling asleep, fearful that if I did, I wouldn't wake up again. It didn't work. I woke up a few hours later and in a slightly more sober state realised that I'd jumped into the bath fully clothed.

Worst drugs story evar.

Drugs You Have Done

Rimbaud III wrote:...I didn't have any tobacco to roll a joint with one evening so I went through all the dry herbs I could find in the kitchen and used those. Fenugreek, fennel seeds, dried coriander, a couple of bay leaves - basically, I was smoking a curry. After ten minutes of next to no reaction, I had what can only be described as a total internal collapse. My heart appeared to be playing some kind of free-jazz rhythm. It felt like my eyes had been sucked into my skull and my brain had shrivelled up to the size of a gonad...

I had a similar experience when I was 18, but with a herbal tea bag. It didn't put me off anything apart from smoking herbal tea.

Drugs You Have Done

B_M_L wrote:
Rimbaud III wrote:...I didn't have any tobacco to roll a joint with one evening so I went through all the dry herbs I could find in the kitchen and used those. Fenugreek, fennel seeds, dried coriander, a couple of bay leaves - basically, I was smoking a curry. After ten minutes of next to no reaction, I had what can only be described as a total internal collapse. My heart appeared to be playing some kind of free-jazz rhythm. It felt like my eyes had been sucked into my skull and my brain had shrivelled up to the size of a gonad...

I had a similar experience when I was 18, but with a herbal tea bag. It didn't put me off anything apart from smoking herbal tea.

I can't smoke the ganjabis without experiencing the same sensations I had during this episode anymore. Now I was no Pete Doherty, but I loved getting stoned.

When I was 21,
I smoked some very good gear-
I smoked some very good gear I got from a dude in the middle of the night-
I got stoned to shite-
When I was 21.
Last edited by Rimbaud III_Archive on Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Drugs You Have Done

Weed (Bushweed, soap, skunk- which really should be considered a different drug, charas, really fucking good charas), acid, mushrooms, e, salvia, MDMA crystals, cocaine, K, opium...

I think that’s it... made a vow long ago never to touch heroin or crack, everything else was fair game. I don’t do any of it now, even taking a break from weed for over 3 months now, but I have found out what I like and what works through direct experience. Really now I just drink, which is a bit stupid as its one of the worst.

By far the worst drugs experience I had, far worse that taking super strong mushrooms and convincing myself I was going to die if I fell asleep, far worse than another time on mushrooms being ‘abducted’ by a bunch of fucking hare krishnas who attempted to indoctrinated me whilst I was tripping my face off before showing me extreme vegan protest videos of animal slaughter (story for another time kids), worse than all that was my experience with the anti depressant Paroxetine...

EDIT: Peyote! Totally forgot about that one... How the fuck did peyote end up in catford?
Last edited by Tommy Alpha_Archive on Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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