Getting Up to Flip the Record?

Total votes: 8 (28%)
Part of the Charm, and Worth It
Total votes: 21 (72%)
Total votes: 29

Required Act While Listening to Vinyl: Flipping the Record

Peripatetic wrote:Not crap.

A key thing that can make a good record great is proper crafting of the sides.

+1. I'd also say that I think one of the reasons for what I feel is the overall drop in quality by a lot of mainstream music over the last twenty-five years or so is that, with the introduction of the CD, it seemed that major record labels started to expect artists to produce for them (not to mention the bands themselves, at times) over an hour's worth of material every two years, as opposed to earlier expectations that came with the limits of formats like the LP. Most of my favorite records are about 30-40 minutes, and about 9-12 songs, with some exceptions.

Anyway, geekout over. I like flipping records. Not crap.
davesec wrote:the animal world tried desperately, time and again, to kill this man.

Required Act While Listening to Vinyl: Flipping the Record

Not Crap

To take it one step further, my turntable is a Music Hall that has no switch for toggling between 33 and 45 rpm. I have to lift off the platter and manually move the belt from one gear to the next when I need to change speeds. There's some charm in this but it can be annoying when I'm on a 7" listening kick - even more so when the records aren't labeled with what speed they play at.

Required Act While Listening to Vinyl: Flipping the Record

Edward wrote:Not Crap

To take it one step further, my turntable is a Music Hall that has no switch for toggling between 33 and 45 rpm. I have to lift off the platter and manually move the belt from one gear to the next when I need to change speeds. There's some charm in this but it can be annoying when I'm on a 7" listening kick - even more so when the records aren't labeled with what speed they play at.

That's funny, I have a Music Hall turntable, and have to go through the same thing. That can be a hassle. I'm always afraid I'm going to drop the green glass platter, or break the rubber band, when I change speeds. I do like screwing down the clamp thing on top of the record, though I've always wondered if it really does anything.

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