cell phones

I think cell phones are alright for people to have if they want to have them.

I have no social life or any type of job so I don't need one, so I will not get one.

Some people are assholes with them though- I'd be talking with my friend and he would just whip out a cell phone and call someone, or I'd be on a bike ride with this kid and he'd have to stop to make a call. Then again, this guy was a dick in a lot of other ways too.

But still, a lot of these cell phones are getting really funny. I think the ones which illuminate the user's face are hilarious, as well as the "walkie-talkie" ones that people use very loudly. If I see anybody using it, even if I don't know them, I make a point to stop and ask them who they're talking to. I figure I might as well know, since I'm already hearing most of the conversation.

cell phones

I know a guy that has one of those fancy cell phone/palm pilot/mini-computer devices. We were all out at a bar one night and he was sitting there tinkering and clickin' around on it, so I asked him what the hell he was doing. I thought he was playing video games, but he showed it to me and he had put Pro Tools on the damn thing and was sitting there editing and tweaking waveforms the whole time!

cell phones

Speed Dial. I'll use my cell phone even when I'm next to a perfectly good land line becaue the phone numbers are programed in the cell phone. I don't necessarily remember the phone number but by pushing one button (speed dial) the phone starts ringing.

Otherwise I have to search for the number in the cell phone directory and then dial it on the land line. It just takes a few moments longer.

cell phones

Speed Dial- Shmeed Dial.
If you can't remember the number then it's not worth dialing.

What happens when you lose the phone or it runs out of juice?
How could you ever get a hold of anyone?

I am the king of unrealistic hypotheticals. If you argue with me you will be crushed by bullshit.
Greg Norman FG

cell phones

1. I wonder how the song "Hello" by Lionel Ritchie would be altered if he had written it in the era of cell phones.

2. I suggest that anyone/everyone study up on cancer, because if the urban legend is true, there are going to be MILLIONS of cases of it, due to cell phones. It's already possible that the entire island of Manhattan could have cell phone cancer, right now.

3. Phones, in general, have become weird. When I was a kid, the phone would ring, and you'd wonder "I wonder who it is?" and get all excited and stuff. Now, people spend the first moment of phoning in paranoia: "who is it?" "will they answer if it's me? are they avoiding me?" "should I pick it up?" It's sad, you know? All this *69, call screening, blah blah. It eliminates the randomness and element of surprise in life.

Oh my god, I'm a phone purist.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.

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