Listen to each others bands...

hip priest wrote:Teeth Of The Sea have recently posted a couple of new 'recordings', both live in the practice room. 'My Fragrant Assassin' is new, 'Running Scared' is the Roy Orbison song and the rest are old and I think have been posted here before.

WARNING: This link contains some of the worst drumming you'll ever hear.

Great new songs!

I'm still waiting for the Teeth Of The Sea cover of the theme from the Hovis advert.

Listen to each others bands...

Tommy Alpha wrote:
hip priest wrote:Teeth Of The Sea have recently posted a couple of new 'recordings', both live in the practice room. 'My Fragrant Assassin' is new, 'Running Scared' is the Roy Orbison song and the rest are old and I think have been posted here before.

WARNING: This link contains some of the worst drumming you'll ever hear.

Great new songs!

I'm still waiting for the Teeth Of The Sea cover of the theme from the Hovis advert.

I was hoping that 'Running Scared' was going to be a Roy Orbison cover...and lo-and-behold, it was! Great.

Listen to each others bands...

early stages of song for new project, with the guy I recorded the dead hollow stuff with. worked on it some more last night. coming together nicely so far. we decided if we get to the point of having songs written, we'd probably look for a drummer, but for now, were looping the drum tracks.

first song on muxtape.
Last edited by sack of smashed assholes_Archive on Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ben wrote:I tend to get a little cynical in social situations where I see large groups of people enjoying themselves.

Listen to each others bands...

1 New Cloud Fulla Titties song, 3 new Beastqueef songs now up for anyone who is interested. Follow the links.
The new CFT song is 'Why don't you just work?'
The new Beastqueef songs are 'Theme from Beatqueef' 'Thirsty ass handshake' and 'Cover version ain't right'

Fellow influential EA personality and soon to be birthday boy Col Panic plays bass and one of the guitars on 'Theme from Beatqueef'
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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