Little details from your day

SecondEdition wrote:
Mandroid2.0 wrote:If I disappear from the online sphere by the end of the day, it is because I have finally snapped and killed the painters who have been doing an absolutely shitty job of painting the four units on our property for OVER FIVE FUCKING WEEKS.

I think the window was open before when I grumbled something about, "....Mexican pieces of shit." I don't care if the bastard 3 feet away from my attempting-to-sleep body heard me.

During their sorry time painting, they have blocked my car in the garage about 90% of the time they are here, cracked our neighbour's window, wrecked our grill cover, messed with my plants, PAINTED OUR WINDOWS SHUT, and in general NOT made themselves invisible. Do you know how irritating it is to wake up at 7 AM everyday to some asshole having a shouting conversation about asinine bullshit with his co-worker? FOR FIVE WEEKS??!?

Oh, and for 4 of those weeks, they have had the screens removed from our windows, so once it's nighttime we can't leave the windows open or moths will fly in, and during the daytime it's battling the flies. This is so that they could PAINT OUR WINDOWS SHUT MORE CONVENIENTLY.

IT IS THE FUCKING WEEKEND, YOU CUNTS. I just want you gone so that I can sleep in, wake up, throw on a bikini, and go to the backyard to sun myself while reading a snooty book about how societies collapse without having to worry about being leered at by some middle aged dudes. FUCK YOU, painters.



In my recent experience, painters can be incredibly obnoxious, blithering assholes.

I sympathize with you, Ms. Mandroid.

You think painters are assholes... man....

you should meet some of the people's whose houses I have painted.

Now THOSE are some real bitches.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Little details from your day

dontfeartheringo wrote:
SecondEdition wrote:
Mandroid2.0 wrote:If I disappear from the online sphere by the end of the day, it is because I have finally snapped and killed the painters who have been doing an absolutely shitty job of painting the four units on our property for OVER FIVE FUCKING WEEKS.

I think the window was open before when I grumbled something about, "....Mexican pieces of shit." I don't care if the bastard 3 feet away from my attempting-to-sleep body heard me.

During their sorry time painting, they have blocked my car in the garage about 90% of the time they are here, cracked our neighbour's window, wrecked our grill cover, messed with my plants, PAINTED OUR WINDOWS SHUT, and in general NOT made themselves invisible. Do you know how irritating it is to wake up at 7 AM everyday to some asshole having a shouting conversation about asinine bullshit with his co-worker? FOR FIVE WEEKS??!?

Oh, and for 4 of those weeks, they have had the screens removed from our windows, so once it's nighttime we can't leave the windows open or moths will fly in, and during the daytime it's battling the flies. This is so that they could PAINT OUR WINDOWS SHUT MORE CONVENIENTLY.

IT IS THE FUCKING WEEKEND, YOU CUNTS. I just want you gone so that I can sleep in, wake up, throw on a bikini, and go to the backyard to sun myself while reading a snooty book about how societies collapse without having to worry about being leered at by some middle aged dudes. FUCK YOU, painters.



In my recent experience, painters can be incredibly obnoxious, blithering assholes.

I sympathize with you, Ms. Mandroid.

You think painters are assholes... man....

you should meet some of the people's whose houses I have painted.

Now THOSE are some real bitches.

But Patrick, you are not an asshole in the least. This separates you from the man with a gold mine in his mouth who came by for no reason other than to "check on the paint" inside the house when no one but my sister was home. She wouldn't let him in and he said he would beat her up if she didn't. He was trying to make a joke. It fell flat. He is also the same guy who relentlessly condescended to my mother, making clear that he approved of her being a stay-at-home mom for over a decade (which she isn't any more), because he felt all women should do that. My mom was very offended.

I realize the wording was generic. I apologize. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Little details from your day

I went to visit my parents today (as i do every weekend, but skipped last weekend) and was surprised to hear this amazing thing had happened. Me being terribly oblivious to all sorts of media, i was late in the knowing about what had happened in my little old town during the week.

This town is pretty small (8000ppl) and nothing happens there, ever.
There's this guy, bought a nice property about a year ago. Big place. Big piece of land. He got two small helicopters (!!!) he used to fly around with, just for fun. Has a giant pool with one side being plexiglass like in a James Bond movie. Nobody ever saw him or knew anything about him. Though people generally agreed there was something fishy about this guy.
Typical town-talk, you know.

He and his (20 years younger) girlfriend got shot in the face during the night and fire was set to the house, which has a reed covered roof. This place is high-tech secured with all kinds of stuff around the house and even card-type locks on the bedroom they found the victims in.
Speculations are whether the man (who is hospitalized in life threatening condition) killed his GF, set the fire and then tried to kill himself or that both were shot by someone else in a criminal settlement. The man is known to have dealings with big fish criminals.

On a weird side note: A friend of mine lives in an apartment block in the town center in which the cleaning lady of this house has an apartment. The morning after the killings four different colored roses were found in front of her door. Police later questioned her about this and they replied that the colors and placement/sequence of these roses are 'known' to mean she better watch her back or move some place safer.


Little details from your day

Peter wrote:I went to visit my parents today (as i do every weekend, but skipped last weekend) and was surprised to hear this amazing thing had happened. Me being terribly oblivious to all sorts of media, i was late in the knowing about what had happened in my little old town during the week.

This town is pretty small (8000ppl) and nothing happens there, ever.
There's this guy, bought a nice property about a year ago. Big place. Big piece of land. He got two small helicopters (!!!) he used to fly around with, just for fun. Has a giant pool with one side being plexiglass like in a James Bond movie. Nobody ever saw him or knew anything about him. Though people generally agreed there was something fishy about this guy.
Typical town-talk, you know.

He and his (20 years younger) girlfriend got shot in the face during the night and fire was set to the house, which has a reed covered roof. This place is high-tech secured with all kinds of stuff around the house and even card-type locks on the bedroom they found the victims in.
Speculations are whether the man (who is hospitalized in life threatening condition) killed his GF, set the fire and then tried to kill himself or that both were shot by someone else in a criminal settlement. The man is known to have dealings with big fish criminals.

On a weird side note: A friend of mine lives in an apartment block in the town center in which the cleaning lady of this house has an apartment. The morning after the killings four different colored roses were found in front of her door. Police later questioned her about this and they replied that the colors and placement/sequence of these roses are 'known' to mean she better watch her back or move some place safer.


Whoa. Weird.

I am watching Maid Marion die for the second time tonight on Robin Hood. It is just as upsetting. I am a sap.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.


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