The thing where people cut off their limbs

there was a guy on oprah or some dang show back in the day who laid his legs on the tracks in protest of something. there was footage.

there was a guy i heard about with this issue who lost both his legs by keepin' 'em in dry ice for awhile.

sounds like a cousin to the transgender issue. at least from the male side. i just made a joke. a bad one. another bad one.

i wish that some people, when they realize they're sick, would just do the nice thing and tie a cinder block around their feet and jump in the ocean.

it's like cronenberg movies become real after awhile. and palahniuk. apparently some girl did get her ass ripped out by a pool drain. it happens.

i hate the planet. (i should've gone to bed.)
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

The thing where people cut off their limbs

that damned fly wrote:there was a guy on oprah or some dang show back in the day who laid his legs on the tracks in protest of something. there was footage.

As I recall, it was in protest of something bad being transported on that train. I think it was in Oakland or Alameda. He was part of an organized protest, and did just that.....laid his legs down and waited. Reports vary as to whether the engineer had time to stop. In any event, dude laid there while the slow-moving train amputated his legs.

**Did some looking around. There was this one:

But the one I remember was this one:

I might be mixing parts of the two stories.

The thing where people cut off their limbs

Here's an article about the affliction... ... 82500a.htm

...The sensation of a limb as being alien, or foreign to the body, has been described by Dr. Oliver Sacks. Sacks experienced his own leg as alien after an injury, and described his experiences in A Leg to Stand On. Sacks was also called upon to consult on a patient who had thrown himself out of bed attempting to get rid of what he perceived as a grotesque false leg. Although the leg appeared normal, the patient perceived it as alien and did not know where his own leg was. This case was described by Sacks in The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.

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