
Total votes: 6 (46%)
Not crap
Total votes: 7 (54%)
Total votes: 13


ubercat wrote:Are Penn & Teller magicians? I thought they were magician killers.

They are apparently libertarians which, like magic, requires some suspension of disbelief.
DrAwkward wrote:If SKID ROW likes them enough to take them on tour, they must have something going on, right?


atnight wrote:Right now I'd rather see a magician (even a shitty one) moreso than 90% of the opening bands I've endured for the past 10 years.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.


andteater wrote:

It takes an incredible amount of attention to detail and skill to satirise an entire industry so exactly and so profoundly as the character of Gob Bluth does. To the extent that it's now impossible to see or hear of a magician without instantly being reminded of this character. The actor Will Arnett did a truly amazing job bringing him to life.

Between the Batman films the Nolan brothers made a thoroughly entertaining film called The Prestige about two feuding Magicians. I was surprised how good it was. Keeps you guessing all the way through.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

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