Bat Houses

jayryan wrote:built a bat house as a gift for my wife at our last house, but we never got any occupants. we'll be trying again, no that we've moved, and have a known population in our neighborhood (including one little guy who simply flies around and around our house like he's in orbit).

Wow, that's so gothy.

Bat Houses

I heard a rumor that King Diamond fashioned a makeshift bat house in the trunk of his Accord, but when he opened the trunk to unleash the flock of bats on one of his adversaries, they swarmed and attacked him.

- By "heard a rumor" I mean "completely made up," just so we're clear.

Uncle Ovipositor wrote:She got me a subscription to Bat Fancy Magazine, which was maybe the coolest thing in the world. I know I didn't make it up, since I still have a copy.

Bat Fancy just completely cracked me up, like, the idea that it exists. You'd better believe I would read this magazine!
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Bat Houses

I have been meaning to build a bat house. During the summer we have tons of bats that fly from a huge maple tree in my yard to a small grove of abrovitae. I love to watch them and drink beers. I have heard that a single bat can consume 1000 insects per hour. Bats are the shit!
Last edited by jermwelfare_Archive on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Bat Houses

DrAwkward wrote:This works? Like, you can build a little awning-thing with a roof and beams and little else and bats will just show up? Tell me more! The day comes that i ever buy a house in the country i'ma totally do this. Um, cuz, for eating bugs, right?

I think the bat houses have to have certain characteristics to even be considered by bats. Like, I think they need to be narrow, and they definitely need to have a sort of rough interior, so that the bats can climb the walls.

And yeah, one little brown bat can apparently eat up to a thousand mosquitoes in an hour. The most bad-ass thing I've heard about bats is that they can pick and locate a flying insect 20 feet away in pitch black with their echo-locator (though apparently they also have very good eyesight), and then grab it by making a cup out of their wing and rolling it into their mouth, all without slowing down.

Here's some info on bat houses:

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