Feral child found in Florida

iembalm wrote:***Hypothetical - no dad in this story to be the source of anguish:

Well, so you put a bullet in the head of mom. Then dad, who is an abusive motherfucker, and the real source of the problem, shows up. Sure you can put one in his head too, but then do you just apologize to mom's corpse, or what?

No, I wouldn't apologize.

Did you read the article?

millions wrote:What good does that do?

First, it saves the good citizens of that community the time, effort, and cost of 'rehabilitating' the parent(s), who can't be rehabilitated.

Second, the children never have to worry about anything but the grim specter of their monstrous parent(s).

Third, the Mother deserves far worse, and in my estimation summary execution saves the community the indignity of dragging her half-living corpse through the streets to her inevitable hanging, and dismemberment.

Feral child found in Florida

ubercat wrote:
iembalm wrote:***Hypothetical - no dad in this story to be the source of anguish:

Well, so you put a bullet in the head of mom. Then dad, who is an abusive motherfucker, and the real source of the problem, shows up. Sure you can put one in his head too, but then do you just apologize to mom's corpse, or what?

No, I wouldn't apologize.

Did you read the article?

I read the article. Street-level law enforcement already has enough unchecked power over life and death, thank you, and my point was that the first person on the scene sees only the barest, most superficial evidence in any case. I do wish the state of Florida hadn't rolled over and allowed the mother to negotiate her way out of punishment in exchange for not suing for custody. At best it makes me think they had something to hide, and at worst that it was just a matter of dollars and cents to them.

Feral child found in Florida

only here wrote:are you talking about teaching her to read, but not telling her what to read? in general, how do kids under the age of 17 respond to unstructred education? i still have to go through periods where sometimes the thing i want to do is not the thing i should be doing.

The theory is that people learn to read the same way they learn to talk. It seems to be working out. We burn thru library books, and she has begun sight reading a great many of the small words, and thanks to shows like Super Why, is able to sound out most everything. A little rough with C and S sounds, but mind blowing to me for a kid who just turned 4. Not everyone feels this wat, and it might be considered that we are pushing. Everyone has their limits, and this is one of mine. While other unschoolers can abide 9 year olds who cannot read yet, I think it is the portal to everything. Plus, it is plain that she wants to read, and is eager to pick it up as soon as she can. She has a little friend the same age who wrote my daughter a personal note for her birthday, and my daughter was able to read it. This cannot be a bad thing.

The stuff I have read says that motivation comes in cycles for these kids. Knowing it is coming is all I need to prepare. There could be times where she might play video games for weeks at a time, or sleep all day. It does not matter. Out of school information can be covered at a rapid pace, and that is the exciting part. The way it works is that is that these kids master and move on. They know when they understand something, and don't have to prove it. She will always have the option of going to a typical school if she chooses, since we are not forcing this on her*. When there is enough interest, an the subject moves beyond any of the parent's ability to provide, cooperative classes are arranged. interest in specific subjects lands a lot of these kids in community college classes in there teens. There is a lot of discussion about my wife and kid making regular and extended stays in France because there is no reason they shouldn't. She does not have to be back for school or anything.

It is not for everyone. It makes my mother insane that we let my daughter eat when she is hungry, and refuse when she isn't. Go to bed when she wants (I stay up late, so she never outlasts me), and wake up when she wants. Lots of people talk about how kids grow up too fast, but the frown when you take it slow.

*IL is a remarkable easygoing state in this regard, and there is no real regulation of it. We are keeping her vaccinations on schedule as that is a requirement for school admission, but we space them a bit because we know we will take her in regular like, and the big boosts tend to give kids a fever.

Feral child found in Florida

ok anyone talking about execution:
You can not punish or kill someone who lacks the capacity(like people with extremely borderline iq's) to understand their crime.it is helpful only to you, the outside observer, who views it as insane. which you should. but none the less the mother in this case is clearly unaware of her actions, or she wouldnt have taken them to begin with ya follow?

So calling for her to be reprimanded or otherwise castigated serves no purpose in this case other than making you ,the observer feel better about it.

I think its ok to feel like you want to punch her fuckin skull in, but you must remember how ignorant she is to have treated a human child this way.Really this story imho , played out about as best as it could have, the child is safe, the mother is out of the picture, the state looks about as good as anyone can look trying to figure out which way is up in this crazy situation, sure they didnt make the right call at first or second try, sure the whole thing has no clear answer, but at the end of the day its the best case scenario for now.
Some witty and esoteric latin quote like everyone else has.

Feral child found in Florida

ubercat wrote:
gnangle wrote:but none the less the mother in this case is clearly unaware of her actions, or she wouldnt have taken them to begin with ya follow?

But she's smart enough to not sue for custody?

i think you both know what i am saying, if a retarded person kills someone i think its ethically unwise to kill them it reflects poorly on our ability to solve problems intelligently.
Some witty and esoteric latin quote like everyone else has.

Feral child found in Florida

ubercat wrote:
Did you read the article?


First, it saves the good citizens of that community the time, effort, and cost of 'rehabilitating' the parent(s), who can't be rehabilitated.

Second, the children never have to worry about anything but the grim specter of their monstrous parent(s).

Did you read the article? The mother waived her rights in exchange for not being sent to jail. She got 3 years of house arrest and 100 hours of community service. No chance the parent will get the child back, and no effort to rehabilitate.

ubercat wrote:Third, the Mother deserves far worse, and in my estimation summary execution saves the community the indignity of dragging her half-living corpse through the streets to her inevitable hanging, and dismemberment.

You're not serious, I hope.

Nothing is going to make up for what happened. The community and the adoptive parents are doing the best possible, but even that won't completely undo the harm done to the child. The notion of murder/ torture somehow helping things is pretty ridiculous.

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