Rock and Roll Librarians

Big John wrote:
Job Title: Director of Library and Archives
Organization: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
Location: Cleveland, Ohio,

I think we have to find a rock and roll librarian who also lives in Cleveland.

See, I think that's the kind of gig you'd be willing to relocate for. I mean Cooperstown, NY isn't necessarily on my short list of places to live, but if they were hiring a librarian at the Baseball Hall of Fame I'd probably throw my hat in the ring.

Rock and Roll Librarians

I can understand just going through the pockets of the Bee Gees costumes from the 70's an archivist could come up with several pounds of contraband.

They have to test to keep the archivists from checking out those boxes of memorabilia from Dr. Nick too. The temptation is too great especialy if you are living in Cleveland which for many people would only be survivable if one was fully addeled. I guess it is still better than Tolodo.

It is supposed to be saved for a special mirrored exhibit call the "Tootastic 70's". They have the Greatful Dead "Riding that Train" playing in the background they used snorting noises from a Gloria Gainor recording session that was inhances with the "Snow Tunnel" setting on a Lexicon.

Tourists will can buy fake bindles from the Hall of Fame sovineer stand of "Tootski" to snort up in the childrens fun hash ball room with the logos of thier favorite bands. The proceeds go to a special Rock and Roll Clinic exhibit sponsored by Hazelton. This month featuring a animatronic Johnny Thunders.

Rock and Roll Librarians

ERawk wrote:That said, I refuse to accept to take a piss test for any type of job that doesn't require extraneous/physical activity. Like I'm built like that. I don't piss in a cup to push paper.

No, see, it's the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. You have to test positive to be hired.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Rock and Roll Librarians

offal wrote:When I finish my MLIS, this is the sort of job I'd love to find -- but sadly, I've done Ohio already, and no more for me, thanks. Then there's the thought of Fullerton, CA and being the archivist for Fender or G&L... but I have no interest in California either.

People can't seem to leave Ohio fast enough these days. It makes me wonder how much longer we'll be able to hold onto our electoral clout.

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