Rock and Roll Librarians

I honestly can not think of any reason that anyone would want to live in Ohio. I would assume anyone who lives there simply is unable to get out for some reason.

Upstate new york is different all the people that could escape have those left are simply those too lazy or stupid to get out.

Perhaps they could legalize prostitution and import some decent looking woman from somwhere else and perk Ohio state and put the buck back in the buckeye.

Rock and Roll Librarians

Jeff wrote:
offal wrote:When I finish my MLIS, this is the sort of job I'd love to find -- but sadly, I've done Ohio already, and no more for me, thanks. Then there's the thought of Fullerton, CA and being the archivist for Fender or G&L... but I have no interest in California either.

People can't seem to leave Ohio fast enough these days. It makes me wonder how much longer we'll be able to hold onto our electoral clout.

I've been trying to get out for like five years now. Recently decided to stay put until my degree is done, which gives me another couple years at least.

Columbus in particular is a great place if you're content to just hang out and have a job and cheer on the Buckeyes, and perhaps later on raise a family and then settle down and die. That tends to just "happen" to many people regardless of any grand plans they may have once had, as it is a vortex of complacency.

The rest of the state is basically broke-dick poor, especially Appalachia. Cleveland isn't horrible (it's no Detroit at least), but more people are leaving than staying put. Cincinnati is just lame.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Rock and Roll Librarians

I forwarded this to my two librarian bosses. One of them forwarded it to her husband who has a librarian degree but is not a librarian. Turned out one of his friends, who I guess must be a librarian, flew out to interview for the job. That's all I got on the details though.
Boombats wrote:Any pair of assholes can put their cock and cunt together and make a wee little shit.

Rock and Roll Librarians

Big John wrote:Perhaps the new librarian can work on getting a "Oral History" project on the Groupies of the 60's and 70's before they all die in assisted living.

I think I actually have an LP of this. It's just called "Groupie" and it's a spoken word album with just different groupies (including some of the plaster casters) talking about what it was like to meet all the different rock stars and such. I don't remember it being that interesting.

Can't be arsed to actually get up and see if I still have it or not though. It had a purple cover.

. . .

Just looked it up. Turns out WFMU has it online.

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