Last Question(s) for Steve

This isn't about Mandroid, as I've said at least 5 times now. I don't judge her as racist, and this is not about her. It's about the error in defending that statement as not being a slur, by invoking a semantic technicality that doesn't even apply. It's about that kind of talk and how it is perceived by most who hear it, regardless of the intent of the person spewing it.

BTW, I think you should spend less time concerning yourself with what's inside the heads of other people around here in the interest of demonizing them, and start working on sifting through the cognitive dissonance in your own brain.

I'm through debating this matter with you. You're obviously too immature to participate in a discussion without acting like a 3-year-old who needs a nap.
Last edited by Colonel Panic_Archive on Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Last Question(s) for Steve

Graham Hick wrote:Randall when you were at my house in Oregon and I said you were the first black person I had seen in months you didn't take that as a racist statement did you? Because the butt of that joke was whitebred Oregon.

It's just something I've seriously worried about from time to time since then. This seemed like a good place to ask.

No fucking way; I was happy to be the one. In fact, I secretly thanked you for mentioning it because it gave me a barometer about the neighborhood/area. I like to be aware of my surroundings and your wholly hilarious and informative comment helped. Stop your worrying.

I hope I'm not coming off as some overly-sensitive, race-baiting, guy here. I just read the phrase mexican pieces of shit and it gave me the willies. Speaking of willies, one time a long time ago riding through the trailer park on the east side of Chicago, me and some friends picked up another friend's biker-scumbag-loser relative for a ride somewhere. Upon noticing me in the back seat he laughed and said, "It looks like we got us a willie in here!" My friends immediately piped-in with "not cool," and "shut the fuck-up," and general shit like that. I hope those of you with an allowance for behavior like that in the spirit of "free speech" would do the same.
murderedman wrote:Your problem is your bloc attitude.

Last Question(s) for Steve

Rick Reuben wrote:I will say that her remark is not indicative of racism against all Mexicans.

You are hanging onto this view point like the Rottweiler in your avatar. I salute your indefatigability, but I'll say again that you are flying in the face of majority opinion here. I know you like a good debate and you've made some good points, but the main thrust is skewed and even the best barrack-room lawyer knows when he's flogging a dead horse.

Last Question(s) for Steve

Derek Monypeny wrote:Hey- I started this particular thread. I have not read any of the posts on it, except for warmowski's and noise&light's, which were forwarded to me (noise&light's response makes this thread's existence worthwhile, no matter what else has been written in it).

I've been reading EA off and on almost since its inception. I've seen racial/ethnic slurs in the context of jokes, good and bad, and I've seen them written by fake-o board characters or by people affecting an Internet persona.

Amanda/Mandroid's post was the first time I could remember reading a blatant, unambiguous ethnic slur on the boards, without any it's-a-joke context or my-funny-Internet-character-says-this-stuff context that I could discern. It looked weird and ugly to me, sitting there for days by the time I came across it, casually, indifferently.

I'm sure I am naive both about the prevalence of casual racial/ethnic/sexist/homophobic slurs that people utter in "real life" (because nobody I deal with personally on any type of regular basis would ever consider saying shit like that) and about the overall indifference with which those in the company of the utterer usually react to them.

So I got really upset by this, and wrote a threatening post to Amanda/Mandroid in that thread. That was really lame and totally out of line on my part. Pretty much anything said or done in anger ends up being a dumb mistake, you know?

Anyway, I then started this thread. I did so neither to accuse anyone of anything, nor to spark a "debate" on race/racism (on Electrical Audio? Fuck's sake.). I was upset by a blatant, unambiguous ethnic slur on what is, overall, a message board wherein one does not enounter such things. I wanted the EA take on such matters from Steve and/or mods. And I wanted to say that this kind of crap was not acceptable to me personally, as an individual member of the boards, not speaking for anyone else. That's pretty much it.

I will close by saying that if you're a person who thinks that there is some aspect of being a "piece of shit" that is Mexican in nature and needs to be highlighted as such: day-to-day grown-up life has some lessons for you. And these lessons will eventually be bestowed upon you. They won't be bestowed by me, and at the time you probably won't recognize them as such, but they will be bestowed as a gift upon you. When these lessons are bestowed upon you it may be painful for you, but, speaking as someone who cares about you, I hope you're ready to learn.

Blow it out your ass, dickwad.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Last Question(s) for Steve

Marsupialized wrote:Blow it out your ass, dickwad.

Just out of curiosity, why do you think he is a dickwad, 'sup?

He explained himself, just as Amanda has, and he apologized, just as Amanda has.

Why the mean comment? Isn't it over now?
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

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