Teasing: Ribbing a Male Friend About Recent Weight Gain?

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Teasing: Pointing Out A Male Friend s Recent Weight Gain

placeholder wrote:I am one of these huge fat guys. Have been for most of my life. I am grotesquely, stared-at-in-public, will-he-break-my-furniture fat.

An observation. From my experience interacting with people in life really big fat dudes are almost 100 percent of the time gonne be really fucking funny and almost never complete douchebags. I can only think of one really giant fat dude who I've spent any amount of time with who I didn't think was cool, and even he wasn't that bad just not my cup of tea.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Teasing: Pointing Out A Male Friend s Recent Weight Gain

Marsupialized wrote:
placeholder wrote:I am one of these huge fat guys. Have been for most of my life. I am grotesquely, stared-at-in-public, will-he-break-my-furniture fat.

An observation. From my experience interacting with people in life really big fat dudes are almost 100 percent of the time gonne be really fucking funny and almost never complete douchebags. I can only think of one really giant fat dude who I've spent any amount of time with who I didn't think was cool, and even he wasn't that bad just not my cup of tea.

Yeah, but they're crying on the inside.
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