Calling your friend out on his tiny cop sized dick:

Crap! He's got enough problems
Total votes: 13 (76%)
Not Crap! How could you not say something?
Total votes: 4 (24%)
Total votes: 17

Teasing: Pointing out the tiny size of a male friend s cock

Rimbaud III wrote:
fishingrhod wrote:i know someone who was born without a penis - comment would be a no-no methinks.

Rimbaud III wrote:If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

a noble sentiment. in the spirit of scientific enquiry, i will experiment with complimenting men on their penii over the next week or two and let y'all know how i get on.


That all depends on where you conduct this 'scientific' enquiry. Do it in the right place, and you stand to make a lot of 'friends'.

not likely - work would be my chosen environment.

probably face an internal investigation leading to the sack.
As a youth I used to weep in butcher's shops

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