Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

heather wrote:in regards to the bicyclist story- tyler is the brother of someone that works with both myself and someone else that works at electrical. it is incredibly sad for everyone and tyler's brother is sweet and a huge fan as well as participant in the independent music scene. it would be great if tyler's brother received nothing but love from wherever he can get it and i think electrical might be the place.

Very sad.

My condolences to Tyler's friends and family.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

tommydski wrote:People should definitely have guns.

Guns are definitely things that should be owned by human beings.

I agree, it should only be in the hands of the authorities. And gangbangers.

Marsupialized wrote:If you are collecting stats on a weekly basis, we had 35 shootings this week Mon-Fri so add those in there as well, makes over 50 for the week so far. Nice work, Chicago keep it up.

Jesus. Some spring.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

Marsupialized wrote:So it's beautiful in Chicago, the weather is finally nice. You know what that means.....time for some shootin'!!!

There have been 21 shootings in the city of Chicago in the last 24 hours, 4 of the 21 people who've been shot have died.
and it's only Saturday night!!
I am crossing my fingers that we can all join in this together and get over 100 shootings before Monday morning really kick this spring off on the right note.

If you are collecting stats on a weekly basis, we had 35 shootings this week Mon-Fri so add those in there as well, makes over 50 for the week so far. Nice work, Chicago keep it up.

i saw a guy get shot down the southside of chicago (ingleside i think). i don't know if he died or what the fuck but i heard two shots at least. anyway i ran in to the truck as fast as possible and never lookd over the dash again.

shocked the living shit out of me. checked all the papers the next day but absolutely sweet fuck all about any of it. that shocked me even more.

seriously 50+ shootings last week alone?? i'm no city planner boys but ye have a fucking problem.

Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

Rick Reuben wrote:The high gas prices might turn out to be a factor, too. The whole 'drive by' thing is kind of overhyped, because shooting from a car that people can maybe ID and possibly get a plate on is not really the best way to hunt down your enemies.

Well... if you (and/or your posse) are to the level of pulling drive-by-shootings, I'd think you're already to the level of pilfering someone else's vehicle beforehand to use in performance of the deed... a) to avoid easy ID and b) you get to burn someone else's gasoline

Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:
unsaved wrote:I've always agreed with the idea that all the gangs in Chicago be given all kinds of guns and other hand weapons and let them use Soldier Field to shoot it out, the last guy alive gets to be alderman or something.

This is a long-standing conservative fantasy.

I'm an unrepentant liberal, but when it comes to gang activity here, my personal experiences over the years would make me dance on the grave of any gang member. I worked in Englewood for 7 years during the 90's when the murder rate here a couple of those years was approaching 1,000 by only July. I've had to take care of more than a few children shot right in the head or back from crossfire, and on an even more personal note a friend of mine was standing at the intersection of Chicago Ave. and Wood 10 years ago and got it right in the liver fron worthless gangbangers shooting at each other across a busy street with no fucking regard for who might be in the way. His girlfriend watched him turn gray and die in the street. 29 years old.

It's to the point that I don't even care what fucked up things the Chicago police do and have done to them--I've seen some shit that I'll never tell.

Death to every last one of them.

Not by capital punishment, though--they can rot in prison. See what a bleeding heart I am? :smt055
Rick Reuben wrote:Edit those words out or I'm contacting a moderator.

Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

I've noticed over the last few years that when the winter finally breaks here, there is a collective mania that ensues as a result of four months of shit weather. I actually feel a bit nervous walking around outside for a few weeks after the weather clears up as there are a lot of people out on the streets with way too much energy. That being said, I feel pretty bad for the cyclist's friends and family - If any of them are reading this thread, I pass on my condolences.


Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

Rick Reuben wrote:Chicago murder rate for the first seven months of 2008 running well ahead of US combat deaths in Iraq for the same period:

220 US combat deaths 1-08 through 7-08

291 homicides in Chicago 1-08 through 7-08

Chicago: 234 square miles

Iraq: 167400 square miles

Chicago: Home of the 2016 Olympics

Iraq: War zone

So it is safer to be a member of an occupying military force in Iraq than it is to be a kid going to the school bus stop in Chicago.

Both suck. And I used to think the early 90's were some violent times.

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