Porking a Neo-Nazi.

So long as I don't have to hear any racist shit to hit that. (No votes)
So long as I don't have to say any racist shit to hit that.
Total votes: 4 (13%)
I've done worse things for sex.
Total votes: 6 (19%)
Nope, that's where I draw the line.
Total votes: 11 (34%)
No, she is unattractive.
Total votes: 11 (34%)
Total votes: 32

Would You: This White Supremacist

MWilke wrote:
H-GM wrote:In my travels I've seen 'em all, and, honestly, I'm telling you guys, it's all bullshit. What's not bullshit, however, is the usage of "dick," "cock," and which race uses which word. On the whole, a black person is more likely to say "dick" while his white counterpoint will say "cock." For real. Pay attention to it from now on and you will see I'm right.

You got this from Monique on "The Queens of Comedy."

But yes, it's true.

No I did not. I got it from an acquaintance JMNYC years ago; way before Queens of Comedy. He spins house music like he was raised in Chicago.

Good to see you keeping up on your urban pop-culture milestones, though!
murderedman wrote:Your problem is your bloc attitude.

Would You: This White Supremacist

vockins wrote:
The MayorofRockNRoll wrote:I didn't know vaginas had a 'bottom'. I mean, that would kind of entail, I dunno...a difference in direction or something.

You've learned something about a woman's anatomy, and we've all learned something about your anatomy.

Feel free to weigh in over here.

I never said the vagina was endless, I just would never have thought of the vagina's end as being the 'bottom'.

Doth I protest too much?

Ah well....
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

Would You: This White Supremacist

vockins wrote:
The MayorofRockNRoll wrote:I didn't know vaginas had a 'bottom'. I mean, that would kind of entail, I dunno...a difference in direction or something.

You've learned something about a woman's anatomy, and we've all learned something about your anatomy.

Feel free to weigh in over here.

Barkeep! Put the gentleman's next one on my tab.

H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

Would You: This White Supremacist

vockins wrote:
The MayorofRockNRoll wrote:I didn't know vaginas had a 'bottom'. I mean, that would kind of entail, I dunno...a difference in direction or something.

You've learned something about a woman's anatomy, and we've all learned something about your anatomy.

Feel free to weigh in over here.

Damn Vockins, you beat me to it.

That's it, no more meetings in the early afternoon.
Available in hit crimson or surprising process this calculator will physics up your kitchen

Would You: This White Supremacist

jcamanei wrote:everybody knows the vagina ends where the mouth begins
Your statement reminds me of this short cartoon I saw years ago in a porn movie.
I think it may have been called Little Genitalia.
This dude is at the doctor's office to get his dick made smaller because it's too big.
Once the operation is done, he starts fucking everything like crazy.
I know he fucks the nurse and an animal or two.
Well, he attempts to fuck this gorilla, but the gorilla grabs him from behind and throws the dude in front of him.
He shoves his big ol' gorilla cock in the dude and starts fucking him.
You can see the cock head in the dude's mouth and when the gorilla cums, it looks like the dude is puking.
I guess I should mention that the quality of the drawing in the cartoon is very similar to The Lockhorns.
It was fucking hilarious when I saw it 12 years ago.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

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