tocharian wrote:The next time the cat is within grabbing distance, spread your fingers and apply deep pressure on one side of its neck around its 3rd and 4th cervical bones. Immediately begin moving your fingers in quick little circles. Deep pressure. You'll seek a brief "@#?$ The Heck!?!" expression flash across kitty's face, but that should quickly dissolve into... OOOHHAAHHHHOOOOOOH.
If the cat is very ornery, he'll probably put up with it for a few seconds then dash. The next time you try it, though, I bet he'll tolerate it for longer. Several sessions of this and you've made a friend.
cervical bones? do you mean clavicles? uh...
but otherwise, i wholeheartedly agree as a crazycatlady that the secret to catlove is to firmly stroke the sides of a cat's face and neck. they will love you forever after.
EDIT: i just googled this. woah! right you are.