
Total votes: 1 (4%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 24 (96%)
Total votes: 25

Comic: Watchmen

Pretty good?

I wish DC would release Watchmen in 12 issues, mailed to your door, so new cats could get the full 'thing'.

If you read 1/12th of that book once each four weeks, you'd go fucking bat-shit in month 12 waiting for the last issue. Seriously fucking bat-shit.

Best comic book ever.
Last edited by ubercat_Archive on Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Comic: Watchmen

I can't vote because I haven't read, but I've been tempted by all the talk about how Watchmen is a standout/oddball comic because of how it breaks the typical comicbook plot cliches, is more in tune with sophisticated storytelling, et cetera.

The problem is, all the background I've read about the plot and characters kind of makes that seem a little ridiculous— what may be the high-water mark of an interesting plot in comics kind of looks like a mediocre mark on the scale of more general fiction. In other words, I'm not a comic book reader, but it makes me curious, for sure.

Comic: Watchmen

basically my evening (in case you wondered)

1. Got drinked
2. saw NO girls
3. Saw geek/friend
4. quizzed geek/friend
5. learned to love the watchmen and cum all over everything for fear of not proportionately explaining my love.
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:Oh I neglected to mention that my penis has barbs, like a cat.

Comic: Watchmen

MRoyce wrote:I love this book. Whenever I lend it out to convert a friend I ask them to only read a single chapter per day. The separation really brings out the strengths of the comic book format.

Suggest 4 weeks like us old timers did it. :) I almost went fucking berserk waiting for the last couple of issues.

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