Worst Gear Sale-Mistake?

Left a sunburst 70s SBG500 behind after playing at the University of Wales.

Bought a Carlton Camel valve amp, designed by a Fucking Idiot. It blew up about 100 times, and by the time I sold it (actually a brand new replacement they had sent me) the best I could do was trade it for a 120 watt Laney Linebacker.

Sold my G&L F-100 in moment of poverty.

Sold my G&L ASAT in moment of poverty.

Sold my Selmer T&B in moment of poverty.

Sold my Mesa Boogie V-Twin (don't laugh) in moment of poverty.

I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.

Worst Gear Sale-Mistake?

scott wrote:Actually, you totally could find a deal like that again. I just sold my '74 SG Special with mini-humbuckers, like a month ago here on the EA Forum, for $700. As great of guitars as they are, they don't fetch nearly as high of a price as the non-70's non-Special versions of the SG. There seems to be some misconception out there that they're somehow not as good as the Standard or Deluxe versions. Personally, if I could have any of the three, I'd have the Special with the mini-humbuckers.

then maybe i'm the dumbass. i paid 900 for the one i have. it was in perfect condition, but still.

Worst Gear Sale-Mistake?

endofanera wrote:
D'Piucchstre wrote:I traded a 1972 Orange OR80 and an original ( Hand Engraved Serial#) Chandler Tube Driver even for a mid 80's Fender Twin II head.


Yeah, I think my fucked up rationale for this move was something along the lines of:

More Power = More Headroom, therefore better.

WTF was I thinking? I traded a great amp for an average amp.
"Fuck compose, Fuck melody, Dedicated to no one, Thanks to no one, ART IS OVER".
-Juntaro Yamanouchi

Worst Gear Sale-Mistake?

I had some non-memorably-branded Japanese thinline archtop acoustic bass guitar, mid-late sixties I'd guess - it looked like an acoustic bass guitar version of an ES335 - it was black, with white binding. Cost me $125 at a pawn shop. Wasn't the most awesome sounding bass, by any means, the E sounded thin - but it was really fun to play on the porch and jam with people impromptu, it felt good, and looked the fucking sex.
I got well stupid one day and smashed it to splinters on the footpath outside my house. I've regretted it ever since.

Also an mdf strat copy with pickups all wired together in parallel. Under certain circumstances it sounded absolutely incredible, I sold it for $40 because I was super poor. Sigh. It was a cool guitar.

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