Was I In The Wrong?

Fuck that kid. He should learn to keep his bullshit to himself.
Total votes: 8 (11%)
MrFood was a rude, aggressive asshole.
Total votes: 62 (89%)
Total votes: 70

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

emmanuelle cunt wrote:Erm, I sort of see where you're coming from, but you basically yelled at a dude who said your clothes look good and that's crap. Plus, even if he was the kind the person you thought he is, why bother?

Yeah, Cunt is right. I understand that you were irritated by this encounter for understandable reasons, but the guy meant it as a compliment and in his mind, he was doing something good and trying to be nice to a fellow concert goer.

I do understand what irked you, though and I don't blame you for getting pissy with the guy, though I do think it was probably uncalled for in the grand scheme of things. This happens to me with great frequency because I'm a girl and therefore it's seen as even more acceptable to comment on my "look," and depending on the compliment-er, I am oft tempted to rail on them for being a shallow dipshitted poseur and to get the hell out of my "damaged 1930s movie star" face (or whatever they say my "look" is like).

Next time, just say something snarky in response, like, "oh, I didn't realize that sincerity and non-phoniness was in style these days." Then walk away.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

Yeah, you overreacted. But then you are the PRF's Mr. Angry.
He did seem a total ballbag, but he's still gonna stay a total ballbag.

I dunno... where I work (Brick Lane) you see so many of these vacuous little cunts- their film choices mostly reflecting their character. I just have to let it wash over me. Better things to get angry about. Having said that, once I was confronted by an army of the dayglo cunts coming out of St. Matthews Church at about 6 in the morning and the sight of that many of em made me throw up violently. I was a whole bottle of appletons deep, but I understand that kind of reaction.

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

Totally out of order. Regardless of how you rationalised being able to get angry at the kid for what could only have been a compliment, repeatedly shouting at the kid who is visibly confused and totally in the dark to fuck off in an agressive and public manner was an asshole thing to do.
Your friend is totally justified in being pissed at you.

But now you know, and you can avoid it next time!

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