Was I In The Wrong?

Fuck that kid. He should learn to keep his bullshit to himself.
Total votes: 8 (11%)
MrFood was a rude, aggressive asshole.
Total votes: 62 (89%)
Total votes: 70

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

You can do whatever you want and tell whoever you want to fuck off.
If the chick who you were with didn't like it, tough shit. Get cooler chicks to hang out with who aren't gonna give you a bunch of shit for simply telling some douchebag to fuck off when he bugged you.
You didn't stab the fucking guy, Jesus Christ. Tell her to lighten the fuck up.
What kind of fucked up weirdo dude comes BACK over and keeps talking to someone who pretty clearly told him to 'fuck off' just a few minutes before that?
That's how people DO get stabbed.

tommydski wrote:*Awaits 'Would You: NerblyBear's Sister?' Poll*

I already know what his vote will be.
Man, I have never seen anything as creepy around here as Nerbly's obsession with banging his own sister.
I am all about the gross, crude stuff but this is definitely too much for even me.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

NerblyBear wrote: Sure, we've all met plenty of hipsters who only go to shows so that they can see and be seen, so that they can ratchet up their social lives a few more notches.

Really, though? Have we? How do you know them when you see them? There's never a social dimension to your decision to see a show--e.g. you're indifferent about the band, but a bunch of your friends are going?

I guess don't understand the implication that only by going to see a show with the purest of intentions--whatever that means--is one doing one's part for the revolution or whatever. Unless these hipsters are talking during quiet parts, or otherwise infringing on my experience in ways other than by simply existing, what do I care?

I should point out that I don't think MrFood should be beating himself up over this. It sounds like he is the kind of person who obsesses over what he should've done, long after the fact, and I know what that's like because I am that person, and it sucks. In the scheme of things, this is really no big thing.

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