Was I In The Wrong?

Fuck that kid. He should learn to keep his bullshit to himself.
Total votes: 8 (11%)
MrFood was a rude, aggressive asshole.
Total votes: 62 (89%)
Total votes: 70

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

Marsupialized wrote:
Josef K wrote:
tommydski wrote:
Nina wrote:Drop the fucking macho bullshit act.
It's tired. Done. Fucking lame.
You are not like that. You are not a twat.
Step aside from your persona and your testosterone and use your brain, the thing your FUCKING HEART keeps alive.
You have either bullshitted me for almost two years in our communications off the board, or you are bullshitting now.
I know you are not a fucking asshole...or do I?

Really? You think that this forum would be improved by a sensitive Marsup? I have to disagree with you there.

You acknowledge a discrepancy between his persona and his real life character but you aren't thinking why it exists. He's supposed to be the antithesis of our loving, caring sharing side. That's why he's consistently amusing. He can say all the stuff most of us wouldn't say. That's his role and it has been for as long as I can remember.

I know that in person he's a fun-loving awesome guy but I'd sooner have him on the forums as Marsupialized.

You read this, right?

Marsupialized wrote:As far as random strangers go, I will talk to, like and am nice to females right off the bat. Dudes are scum for the most part and should fuck off, I'm sorry. It's how it is.
You are at a bar and some dude walks up and starts talking to you, what's your instant reaction? Get away from me asshole, that's right. Maybe he eventually proves himself to be not a complete ass and you relax and even talk back and maybe become friends. Same thing. Too many dudes out there on some towering bullshit.
Dudes have to prove to me they are cool, females have to prove they are not. Once either has happened, I act accordingly.
Some random dude saying some shit like that to me can fuck off.

and? what are you pointing out?

By the way, that does not go for EA dudes...out of experience they are cool till they prove to me otherwise.

That your internet persona conflicts with what most people say about you in their dealings with you in real life but also that if your default position is true then you must be must be seriously fucked up if you can't handle someone randomly striking up a conversation for no other reason than striking up a conversation and that women have to prove that 'they are not cool'. What the fuck does that mean?

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

daniel robert chapman wrote:Coinage:
jimmy spako wrote:this is similar to punching the yuppy

"That thread really punched the yuppy." "That place used to be great, back before it punched the yuppy." "I've got a feeling their next record is going to punch the yuppy." "They're really punching the yuppy on this tour."

"Punching the yuppy."

"Warm and punching the yuppy"

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

Josef K wrote:That your internet persona conflicts with what most people say about you in their dealings with you in real life but also that if your default position is true then you must be must be seriously fucked up if you can't handle someone randomly striking up a conversation for no other reason than striking up a conversation and that women have to prove that 'they are not cool'. What the fuck does that mean?

How does it conflict?

What it means is through my experiences being a person living and walking around interacting with people, I have noticed that females for the most part are much more easy going and straightforward. Rarely out to scam, steal from or fuck with strangers. Males, well you gotta watch them. If some random dude walks up and starts talking to you, there's a solid chance he's on some bullshit and you should be on your guard until you can can conclude he is not or the bullshit he IS on is not that much of a threat to you personally.

This does not go for EA people, like I said. I am at ease around EA people because I know we all good folk 'round here.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

gmilner wrote:Has anyone else noticed that the alleged complimenter is becoming progressively gayer and more confrontational with each new iteration of MrFood's story? I notice that according to Food, the guy was now "shrieking" and "lisping." I predict that by page 15 of this thread Food will be writing things like "No, you guys are missing the point--this guy was fondling my balls while screeching 'I love your tiara!' It was really intrusive. And why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?"

I noticed this as well.

Page 10!
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

I read every post in this thread. Can I trade my time spent for a cookie? Can I get some of my time back?

It seems like you might care too much about what other people think, MrFood. Who cares? Just walk away, laugh it off. Big fucking deal.

Some of you are wasting a metric shit ton of thought, words and time on this.

Really. No one got touched, groped or sodomized. Move on.. JESUS

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

ssakmule wrote:
MrFood wrote:Let's start a 45 page thread about this now.

36 more to go. Mr.Food, just being curious, would your reaction have been different, if it a pretty, 'unknown/stranger' girl had complemented you?. No funny business, this time.
Last edited by ssakmule_Archive on Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:As long as elites are in the minority, minorities will stay in the majority of the poor.

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