Was I In The Wrong?

Fuck that kid. He should learn to keep his bullshit to himself.
Total votes: 8 (11%)
MrFood was a rude, aggressive asshole.
Total votes: 62 (89%)
Total votes: 70

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

Nina wrote:
Yeah, you know what, I am the one who's thinking is all fucked up here.

I will gracefully bow out.

Sorry that I actually care about people. I see by the looks of this thread that I am in the minority. I find that it is much easier to be cordial and polite, than an utter fuckhead.

I will begin by welding up my doors to my house...from the inside. You people fucking scare me.

Have fun.


Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

Food, you followed your instinct. You didn't measure it, you just did it. That's never wrong.

I would have just rolled my eyes and said, "Umm. Thank you?!" with great hand-waving effort to indicate 'that is the stupidest thing that anyone has ever said to me'. This would have fucked him off and made me chuckle while I waited for my friend to come back from the bathroom.

Last night I received an unsolicited dissertation from some giant afro-dude with a shirt so ironic it made the whole bar reek of his effort. As he went on and on to me and the stranger to my right, I just said "really?" over and over again adjusting my cadence each time to indicate my fascination with his misinterpretation of everything.

Fairly quickly myself and the stranger to my right realized afro-dude didn't know either of us. We were instantly connected by our distaste for afro-dude.

We both wtf'd and began bullshitting. The afro-dude quickly split as he'd lost an audience. Turns out the stranger tends bar at another place in the neighborhood. I sense free drink in my future. Thanks afro-dude.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.


Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

ssakmule wrote:
ssakmule wrote:
MrFood wrote:Let's start a 45 page thread about this now.

36 more to go. Mr.Food, just being curious, would your reaction have been different, if it a pretty, 'unknown/stranger' girl had complemented you?. No funny business, this time.

You guys need to realize: from the way this is described, dude wasn't just complimenting a dude. He was making a PRODUCTION out of it.

Anyone who makes a PRODUCTION out of complimenting you is an irritant.

They are thereby making a production out of YOU, and fuck that. You're just minding your own business.

If someone just says to you, "Hey, you look good," or even, "Hey, I like your look," well, all right, whatever.

That is much different than what has been described.

Also, I didn't say some people have to learn not to talk to other people.

I said some people have to learn HOW not to talk to other people.

Big difference.

Again, overreaction? Yes, certainly. A bad thing to do? Not necessarily.

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

tmidgett wrote:
ssakmule wrote:both wrote some stuff

I totally understand his perspective & like you said, he might have overreacted a bit. I just wanted to know (speculative & Mr.Food's opinion) if a pretty girl would have been the recipient of that extreme reaction had she done exactly what the guy did.

I have seen guys acting funny in front of girls & the funnier is directly proportional to prettier. So would that same rationale be applied?...nothing about why he did it, just a hypothetical what if?

Sorry, I should have been a bit more clearer with my earlier post
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:As long as elites are in the minority, minorities will stay in the majority of the poor.

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

tmidgett wrote:
You guys need to realize: from the way this is described, dude wasn't just complimenting a dude. He was making a PRODUCTION out of it.

I think I might have realised it:

Josef K wrote:I dunno, if someone comes mincing* up to me and gives me 'Gok Wan' girlfriend flourish and hits me with a 'I love your look' compliment, although not likely to happen, I'd be kinda embarrassed and probably say 'calm down'.

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

MrFood wrote:
gmilner wrote:Am I missing some sort of context? Because I'm also having trouble wrapping my brain around the concept of being upset that the "great, previously subversive" Devo(!) has been "accepted by the establishment"--in 2-thousand-fucking-8.

I don't really understand this sentence, but I'll say this - when you watch an underground band of yesteryear in a classical music hall which has a royal box, it kinda makes you think a few things are over.

Yeah, I know what you mean, but it usually doesn't hit me until the day after the show. I'll be driving my Prius over the Golden Gate Bridge back to Sausalito around dusk, and--I don't know--something about the way the sun is reflected off the bay will make me reflect, and I'll start thinkin' about how far we've all come and what a long strange trip it's been.

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

If he'd said "you're a great person for having those clothes" your point might be a little better supported but, as it is, it seems like he was just impressed with your clothes. His way of calling it to your attention was definitely a bit dramatic but, regardless, you probably should have just thanked him, even curtly, and moved on.

I was in a situation like this one a few months ago. I was walking through a park when I heard someone yell "HEY, NICE JOY DIVISION SHIRT!" I nodded in his direction and kept walking. He then ran up to me and, out of breath, explained to me how he was trying to get all of his friends into them. He was the type of guy you'd expect to hang out in goth clubs, so I didn't think anything good would come out of extending the conversation any longer than it had to go on. I cut in and just told him that I really had to be elsewhere, and that was that.
Last edited by Heliotropic_Archive on Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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