Post (light-hearted) short sentence summaries of things (writers, musicians, politicians, countries...). There's a lot of potential reuse here, so try and keep things creative. Dislike someone else's summary? Post your own.
Whino with a book deal.
We like money!
Mine are shit, but I figure you can beat me.
New Game: Summary
4Haruki Murakami:
How can this story be weirder? I'll add a cat for no apparent reason.
How can this story be weirder? I'll add a cat for no apparent reason.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
New Game: Summary
5Samuel L Jackson
I'll be in your movie if you agree to pay me money.
I'll be in your movie if you agree to pay me money.
I've seen the bridges burning in the night.
New Game: Summary
6Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Haruki Murakami:
How can this story be weirder? I'll add a cat for no apparent reason.
New Game: Summary
7Sonic Youth: Well, our fans like the idea of "daring experimentation," so why not just give them what they want?
KillPopRecordsLLC wrote:I posted a song on which the chorus had a part where I purposely let me voice crack and sing out of tune...Sorry trying something different. Sorry its not cookie cutter and mainstream.
New Game: Summary
8Flipper: Turn up the fucking music! My heart feels like an alligator! We must have Volume! Bass! know it's got its ups and downs.
Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.
New Game: Summary
9Chick-Fil-A: Born again McChicken headquarters
The Three Stooges: Woman repellent
Anais Nin: Man repellent
Stepfather: (deep south version) Parent with benefits
Alt-country: The Tofurkey of music
Ohio State University: 50,000 Sublime fans can't be wrong
The Three Stooges: Woman repellent
Anais Nin: Man repellent
Stepfather: (deep south version) Parent with benefits
Alt-country: The Tofurkey of music
Ohio State University: 50,000 Sublime fans can't be wrong
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental
New Game: Summary
10Fancyjamtime, explain your avatar! It creeps me right the fuck out and compels me to look all at once.