Was I In The Wrong?

Fuck that kid. He should learn to keep his bullshit to himself.
Total votes: 8 (11%)
MrFood was a rude, aggressive asshole.
Total votes: 62 (89%)
Total votes: 70

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

Man, I tell people that I like their look all the time:

Huge black lady in the pink velour sweatsuit at K-Mart?
Hey, you look great in pink.
Why, thank you, honey.

Longhaired student in vintage leather jacket?
Man, that's a kick-ass blazer.
Thanks; it was my dad's.

Old guy in totally crazy polyester shirt with some kind of Aztec motif?
Really cool shirt, sir.
[Looks down at own shirt as if unsure what he's wearing. Then smiles drunkenly.]

Maybe the reason my encounters don't end up like Mr. Food's is that people sense my honest exuberance--I really do think it's awesome when people let their freak flags fly, fashion-wise. It's fun. Or maybe it's that Kentuckians are a fairly bold people accustomed to making a certain impression. Or maybe it's that Southerners, for the most part, stand on ceremony and wouldn't think of being an asshole in response to a compliment, no matter how ham-fisted or clumsy the attempt.

I'm not saying that Mr. Food didn't have some kind of vague reason to be an asshole. I'm agreeing with kenoki and others that the world would be a lot better place if fewer people chose to be assholes just because doing so seemed, on some level, justified. There's probably hundreds of people I could have thrown down on in my life--verbally or physically--not without justification, but I'm not convinced that either I or they would be better off if I had done so.

So, my take on this is to get over yourself and let that shit slide. So someone thinks you've got "a look." Why is that such a big fucking deal? How dare the world fail to notice that you put no thought whatsoever into something so meaningless as clothing and are therefore totally authentic and not to be addressed by lowly hipsters. Yeah, why would anyone have the audacity to comment on someone else's attire at a Devo concert?
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

MrFood wrote:
MrFood wrote:Well helloooo mr armchair psychologist all of a sudden!

Earwicker wrote:I could get off the armchair if you'd like.

The post would then read:

"Mr Food is a fucking raj cunt!"

or perhaps better:

MrFood = "cock"

Carry on.

I am officially bored of this thread.

I hope we don't ever meet each other in person. I mean - you've just started throwing personal insults at me.

Your lack of self awareness is almost impressive.
In fact it does make the thread a little less boring to see someone be so out of touch with themselves.
You do realise you started this thread asking if you were out of order for personally insulting someone who gave you a compliment?

Let's look through the situation:

Man A compliments Man B
Man B insults Man A after taking umbrage at Man A's perceived vacuity (we will ignore the desire Man B has for complete strangers to comment on what he should do with his hair - because that would be unfair)
Man A - presuming his compliment has been taken as a sleight - tries to smooth things over with Man B.
Man B gets all raj and insults Man A again.

Man B then asks complete strangers what they think of his raj and gets all sensitive when Man C points out he's a raj cunt.

Man C concludes Man B has unresolved personal issues.

Man C also requests that if Man B wishes to insult him he's perfectly fine with him doing it publicly.
You didn't seem to have any problem doing that the other night after all.

I will strike my earlier insults and answer your question in the only way you might allow without getting all raj:

'yes you were completely out of order'

Of course if everyone just answered that way you wouldn't be getting any of this lovely attention which of course you don't want - god forbid you might be wanting that - what a suggestion...tsk

They talk by flapping their meat at each other.

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

Rimbaud III wrote:
Heeby Jeeby wrote:Wow the PRF is one angry place the last while. This was a pretty innocuous looking thread when I saw it yesterday morning.

We all not getting laid??

When in drought, boff one out.

Also, having sex to assuage anger sounds problematic to me.

I would recommend it more as a preventative than a cure but I know for a fact that if I've had a good night with a lady friend, the next morning you could spit on my shoe and I'll still be a-smilin'.

Was I Completely Out Of Order Here?

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:some stuff

Great post BER, not that it vindicates Mr.Food to be an asshole, but still, a great post. Personally, I like a lovechild of tmidgett's King Crimson - finger fripping/palm method & Dr.Akward's homemade Ghostbuster method. Also, there are other notable methods mentioned on this thread. BER, reiterating, nice post
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:As long as elites are in the minority, minorities will stay in the majority of the poor.

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