The Saga of Sick Kitty (Was: Today, I found a half-dead cat)

Here's apic of the little kitty in the hospital (update: 8/14).


She's at the vet right now getting aids and leukemia tests. I hope she's not sick. She's got a really great personality - even though she's about 5 pounds, missing half her fur, and has abscesses all over her mouth.

I've been crying the last hour or so. I can't fucking stand this.

She's been starved, obviously just had a litter, and she can't eat.

I think the woman in the house behind me is a collector. She has all the windows covered over and this is the fifth cat that's just appeared from nowhere. This cat is in really bad shape, with fleas in larger numbers than any of the local outdoor cats.

I'm really pissed off and just needed to vent. I wanna choke someone right now.

So, right now I hope she isn't sick, then maybe we can see about living through the night.


Update: it's a he. I'm starting to think maybe this is someone's beloved fat cat that got out accidentally.
Last edited by ubercat_Archive on Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

The Saga of Sick Kitty (Was: Today, I found a half-dead cat)

He isn't hiv + or Leuk +. :)

He's gunna stay the night in the kitty hospital, and in the morning we'll see if he's still alive. Chances are getting better and better. He'll probably make it. In the morning I go pick him up, and we wait for the blood work.

No chip.

Lonesome Bulldog wrote:That's rough, ubercat. Good for you for not just turning it away. Jeez.

Thanks man. Good to see you `round, btw.

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