Involuntary act: The Piss Shiver

Crap, ugh I've pissed all over the seat..shit
Total votes: 2 (12%)
Not Crap, ooh I liked that
Total votes: 15 (88%)
Total votes: 17

Involuntary act: The Piss Shiver

Kayte wrote:I heard long ago that it is because the pee is keeping your body warm and when it all leaves you get cold. But thinking about it now it doesn't make much sense.

Edit: Not crap of course

I have heard the opposite, actually. Holding urine causes your body to chill as water is a very poor insulator and requires your body to dissipate more energy. Lose it and warm up.
Last edited by joelb_Archive on Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DrAwkward wrote:If SKID ROW likes them enough to take them on tour, they must have something going on, right?

Involuntary act: The Piss Shiver

MrFood wrote:Do any other dudes here get a strange tingling feeling in their front teeth when you're busting to take a piss?

Then, as you're going, you get the shiver and feel the tingly feeling in your teeth disappear?

No? Me neither.... ahem....

actually, yeah. in severe cases. I usually excuse myself and say that my teeth are floating.
kerble is right.

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