Get your geek on- linux discussion

unarmedman wrote:Here's the link for the T61.

It has less than I remember. Maybe that's because they pre-install Linux now?

Actually I think it's because most the drivers and things are natively supported by the kernel or xorg. I intalled ubuntu (64-bit) today and everything "just works", although I had to go through a little bit of trouble to get adobe flash to work.

Out of curiosity, I ran SuperPi to 2 million digits and it finished in 41s. 1 million took 19

Get your geek on- linux discussion

This really is sorta off-topic, but I don't care.

I got an eeePC, the 900 model, with Xandros pre-installed, and a 20GB solid-state hard's the mutts nuts. It's the most practical, useful computer I have ever owned. I've added some debian repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list, but other than that, it's pretty much stock.
The on-board audio hardware is complete crap, but that was to be expected, and it doesn't really affect anything I use the eee for...

If anyone reading this thread needs a solid as fuck, cheap, functional computer, that can be hacked/modded/extended to do all manner of things, I highly recommend it. It is brilliant.

Get your geek on- linux discussion

skinny honkie wrote:This really is sorta off-topic, but I don't care.

I got an eeePC, the 900 model, with Xandros pre-installed, and a 20GB solid-state hard's the mutts nuts. It's the most practical, useful computer I have ever owned. I've added some debian repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list, but other than that, it's pretty much stock.
The on-board audio hardware is complete crap, but that was to be expected, and it doesn't really affect anything I use the eee for...

If anyone reading this thread needs a solid as fuck, cheap, functional computer, that can be hacked/modded/extended to do all manner of things, I highly recommend it. It is brilliant.

I recently got the same model. Like you said, I wouldn't use it for recording stuff but other than that it's a great little machine.

Get your geek on- linux discussion

Pure L wrote:Just wondering about something.......

I have a g4 tibook and I'm seriously considering erasing my entire OS X (10.3.9) partition and installing Ubuntu but I'm not sure if I'll still be able to access my OS 9.2.2 partition if I do this.

I still use OS9 for Digital Performer 3.11.

I don't really use my OSX partition that much and it's so out of date that updating to 10.4 (or even 10.5) with a measly 500mhz processor seems like wasted time/money/energy. I have a PC that I do most dev work on. I do like Textmate though.

OS 9 doesn't rely on OS 10 to boot does it? I don't think so but I thought I'd posit the question here first before I do something stupid.

Also, does Ruby on Rails come preinstalled with a Ubuntu install? (Including Gems?)

Last question (and I think I asked this once but can't remember the answer): Is there an equivalent to Textmate in Linux? What are people using for Ruby development?


I managed to put ubuntu on 600mhz ibook w/ os9/osx. Later I did something to it that somehow made os9 unbootable, but if you installed os9 separately, it shouldn't require osx to boot. If you have access to another computer, i'd recommend installing linux on that instead -- there are just enough headaches and pecularities with installing/running it on a mac laptop that makes me wish i never did it. there are some linux liveCDs for ppc if you want to try them out on your tibook. They run a bit slower but They'll give you an idea if you want to go through the trouble.

Get your geek on- linux discussion

Colonel Panic wrote:I want to format an external hard drive so it will work with XP as well as Linux.

Previously I'd have said just use FAT32. Anything can read it, and it has less overhead. But now there seems to be great support for NTFS under linux... could you just format it on someone's XP box? might tell you what the new driver can and can't do.

Probably already mentioned, but how well do Audigy cards work under linux? I heard something about bad support for higher res signals, but that might be open source drivers or anything, and I have too little dignity to not bother with closed source.

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