
not crap
Total votes: 8 (89%)
Total votes: 1 (11%)
Total votes: 9

creature: Cerebus

N/C. I read Cerebus in the mid-to-late 80s and loved it. I lost track since then, and I gather that Dave Sim is a total fuckwad, but the comic was extremely well-written and the art was pretty cool too, at least back when I read it. I think I'll see if my library has any of the early anthologies like "Church and State" or "Jaka's Story" for me to borrow and revisit.

Among many other things I recall liking about it was Cerebus' habit of referring to himself in the third person as "Most Holy" while he was the Pope, and when he had a cold it was "Bost Holy."

creature: Cerebus

Not Crap, no waffle factor. Sims goes FUCKING CRAAAAAAAAAZY! That's part of what makes it compelling. Some of the most intense art in comics history. 300 hundred issues, self published. War , Spirituality, The battle of the Sexes, Religion, Money, "Democracy", and massive amounts of satire.
Great Deceiver

creature: Cerebus

I gave up around "Women". Sim is a cock but that doesn't make it not a worthwhile read. The rape scene during Church and State (I think) was one of the more fucked up things I've ever read. I think I'll pick it up where I left it (about issue 200). Luckily the compilations are cheap used on Amazon.

Disclosure: have been confused more than a few times by the story line.

Further Disclosure: have fapped to Jaka.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

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