Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

helenforsdale wrote:you must be the one with the 500 and hello kitty strap. i was drooling over it while you were on break yesterday.

Yup, that's the beast.

I kinda like being a Tenor. I don't need to take the melodic lead - I did that enough with Branca.

I liked standing to play today. I couldn't really hear what was coming out of my amp because it was in front of me, which was a little disconcerting. I apologize for being a little overzealous for the first few bars.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Ty Webb wrote:McGarvey, check your PM, man! You still coming?

This is shaping up to be very, very cool, even for us non-musician types.

You don't know the half of it man. Last night we got to practice in the Church with half of the guitarists (~100) and it was a complete wall of sound. I was sitting there playing my 2 note part just smiling and thinking to myself that this was the single coolest musical event I have and will ever get to be a part of.

Jodi, I noticed you last nite, you were standing right behind me. I am the asshole with the huge Fender stack. I did not realize you were a lefty.

Joshua, nice to meet you last night, I like your Kramer more than my own.

Tonight should rock my world, final rehearsal with all performers rehearsing in the main part of the church.


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