Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

Oh yeah! Fuckin'-a! Blue Angels' death machines working hard to entertain real Americans. Every goddamn summer! Go team!

Does this spectacular "Air and Water Show" appear elsewhere or is it a specifically midwestern nightmare?

Motherfuckers are ripping the sky above me head as I write... Colleague A made sure to mention that she's going to a rooftop party this weekend to take in the show. Colleague B made sure I knew that he was in the service, so maybe I should not talk about how the military has been hijacked and outsourced -- "those planes are for protection." Ok, man, sure.

Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

Mason wrote:

"Air show? Buzz-cut Alabamians spewing colored smoke from their whiz-jets to the strains of 'Rock You Like A Hurricane?' What kind of countrified rube is still impressed by that?"


Sorry, it's horrible.

Yes, I know those are war machines.

Yes, I know that they rain horror and destruction down on unfortunate BPLNOs world-wide.

YES, YES, I know.

Dude, though.

Barrel rolls and shit.

wooooo... I can't help it.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

I love it. I really enjoy seeing, and even moreso hearing, these jets in action. these jets are not killing anyone, they are flying over Chicago, presumedly completely unarmed. I love hearing fighter jets flying over my urban hometown.

I got a little freaked out a couple months ago when I heard a fighter jet fly over Chicago though. I didn't see what the deal was, but the sound is unmistakable. it's a little more unsettling when it happens on a non-airshow day. cause it can mean something really bad is going down.

never found out what that one flight was about, though.

I don't think I'd ever go see the actual airshow. what I really love is seeing them flying over the city as they turn around and circle back.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

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