Little details from your day

I went to the theater yesterday night to see the Dark Knight,
and on the way back home, in my street, surrounded by people cause there was a big event on the main square near where i live, i caught a guy, lying on a car receiving a blowjob from a girl (both apparently drunk, in their twenties or something...)
i stopped, watched at the guy who watched back at me, we were at 2meters from each other, but he just smiled and the girl didn't even bother to raise her head...

very disturbing scene...
i mean they weren't even hidden, they were by the sidewalk, on the parking lane.....
wtf ?

Little details from your day

crevecoeur wrote:I went to the theater yesterday night to see the Dark Knight,
and on the way back home, in my street, surrounded by people cause there was a big event on the main square near where i live, i caught a guy, lying on a car receiving a blowjob from a girl (both apparently drunk, in their twenties or something...)
i stopped, watched at the guy who watched back at me, we were at 2meters from each other, but he just smiled and the girl didn't even bother to raise her head...

very disturbing scene...
i mean they weren't even hidden, they were by the sidewalk, on the parking lane.....
wtf ?

France is awesome!

Little details from your day

Today I had a food fantasy of a yummy vegan Thai curry. Below is the result. It was damn good!

The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” - George Carlin R.I.P

Little details from your day

Tommy Alpha wrote:Damn! I can haz recipe?

Sure! I just used what we had in the fridge so you can add or takeaway quite alot in this dish. You could also easily exchange the Tofu for meat of your choice.


1/2 Red Cabbage sliced finely
1/2 Onion diced
1 Carrot cut into thin strips
1/2 Capsicum diced for garnish
2 Cups quartered white button Mushrooms
1 Cup sliced deep fry Tofu
1 can Coconut Cream
Green Curry
BBQ sauce
Banana Sauce
Sesame oil
Soy Sauce
Oil - I used rice oil or anything that can handle a good hot fry.
1 Cup Basmati rice

Pour can of cream in a saucepan, add 1-2 tablespoons of Green Curry (depending on how how you want it) and put on a medium heat. Put the rice on. Prepare Veggies while this heats. Put about 5 tablespoons of oil in a pan and heat. Fry onions till soft and add 1 tablespoon of Green curry. Fry till the onions go green and add that to the Coconut cream. Throw the mushrooms in the pan and fry till they start to brown a little. Add them to the coconut cream.
Fry the tofu in some oil, Soy Sauce, BBQ sauce and Banana Sauce till it is well coated and starting to crisp up. Add to coconut cream. Lightly fry the remaining veges (apart from the cabbage) and add them to the Coconut cream. Fry the red cabbage in a good healthy drizzle of Sesame oil. Add to Coconut Cream.
Simmer that till the rice is cooked.

Serve with the capsicum sprinkled on top - Come to think of it, some sesame seeds would go nicely too.

To serve the rice I like to fill up a tea cup and then tip it out onto the plate to make a nice little mound of rice.
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” - George Carlin R.I.P

Little details from your day

Rachi wrote:I just used what we had in the fridge...

Banana Sauce

You had banana sauce in the fridge? I don't even know what that is. I feel I have been missing out on something important all of my life.

I am sitting in the Jacksonville airport waiting to find out if I actually get to take a vacation or not. If the tropical storm kills our plans I am open to suggestions for other places to go for the next six days.


Little details from your day

Barbo wrote:If the tropical storm kills our plans I am open to suggestions for other places to go for the next six days.

NYers--think Barbo can make the Chatham show tonight? It seems theoretically possible...

My little detail: PayPal is still teh suXX0rz--having "fixed" the client's account, it's throwing a different error that means the account still can't do recurring payments; they just broke it in a different way. Good going, PayPal! Five days in, and you've functionally done nothing. Hope you're all proud. |

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