Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

Ty Webb wrote:Keep our kids away from Jeeps! (War machines originally.)
Keep our kids away from military surplus clothing!
Keep our kids away from parachutes! (Wartime invention.)
Keep our kids away from combat boots!

And if this was deliberate war time propaganda aimed at children, wouldn't they paint the jets something a little more military instead of brilliant blue and yellow?

I hate this war and everything about it, but saying an air show is an attempt to brainwash children into admiring war is borderline hysteria.

They are Navy jets, so blue makes sense.

I don't think I said "cancel the show" or suggested that you or anyone else keep your kids away from danger. You can make your own decisions, so why can't I have my own view without you proclaiming it 'hysterical'?

By the way, here's what the B.A. website says about the purpose of the squadron:

The Blue Angels’ mission is to enhance Navy and Marine Corps recruiting efforts and to represent the naval service to the United States, its elected leadership and foreign nations.

Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

Roger Meyers: I did a little research and I discovered a startling thing...There was violence in the past, long before cartoons were invented.
Kent Brockman: I see. Fascinating.
Meyers: Yeah, and know something, Karl? The Crusades, for instance. Tremendous violence, many people killed, the darned thing went on for thirty years.
Kent: And this was before cartoons were invented?
Meyers: That's right, Kent.

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

fucking *everything* was designed for war. nobody would have GPS or cell phones or laptop computers, no high-capacity rechargable batteries in general, no solar power, no INTERNET.

there are a million things that came into being purely because the military had a need for the technology. that argument holds zero water. it's absurd.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

scott wrote:fucking *everything* was designed for war. nobody would have GPS or cell phones or laptop computers, no high-capacity rechargable batteries in general, no solar power, no INTERNET.

there are a million things that came into being purely because the military had a need for the technology. that argument holds zero water. it's absurd.

I don't know if *everything* was made for war... but are you suggesting that by my using certain current technologies I am responsible for the advancement of the military-industrial complex?

Anyway, we should dig up the millions of war dead and ask them if it was all worth it so you and I could one day exchange barbs in cyberspace.

The ends always justify the means, right? The affordability of laptops proves that extraordinarily powerful weapons are a benefit to society?
Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

Ty Webb wrote:I like seeing the jets perform their aeronautical near-miracles. It's an amazing feat of human skill and technological achievement. But yeah, I'm sure I'm the only person on the planet who can separate them from their original intent. Everyone else is just a brainless rube who wants war.


Amen...jesus fucking christ...

I certainly feel that the US government needs to be criticized for our actions around the world...I just do not understand why I never hear such venomous, spittle laden diatribes against other powers around the world from people on the ultra left.

Certainly your panties are in a bunch over the treatment of women and homosexuals in the middle east, right?

Or perhaps the RAMPANT racism that is seen in the oh so forward thinking European countries.

Maybe the human rights violations and amazing pollution levels of China get you upset....

But no...that fucking retard Bush has made people like you so blind and filled with self loathing. That administration has turned much of my political arena (the left) into a grotesque mirror of the fundamentalist right wing way of thinking...

Now go self flagellate young man...
Marsupialized wrote:I bet I hand you a gold bar that sucks dick on command and you'll be bitching that it dosent have the right kind of moustache.

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

I still get that near orgasm feeling and make an involuntary 'woooooo' sound when a jet goes over head that I had when I was a kid.

The last time they were here was when the F1 was at Albert Park. The cars were a mile away from my house and were still louder than the jets going overhead.

I wished they'd have accidentally bombed all the F1 fans (why does every single last one of them wear a baseball cap?) who made me late for work for the whole of that week.

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

Ty Webb wrote:I like seeing the jets perform their aeronautical near-miracles. It's an amazing feat of human skill and technological achievement. But yeah, I'm sure I'm the only person on the planet who can separate them from their original intent. Everyone else is just a brainless rube who wants war.


Machines that fly are cool. Machines that fly fast and spin around are very cool. I grew up going to every air show I possibly could. I even ended up going to a college that specializes in flight training to become an airline pilot and *gasp* I didn't get brainwashed (along with most of my fellow students) into joining ROTC while I was there!

The Blue Angels’ mission is to enhance Navy and Marine Corps recruiting efforts

Yeah, it's really working for 'em these days.

As for the vintage stuff, for me it's akin to going to a car show. People put WORK into these old machines to keep them going. There is nothing like the sound of a bunch of old radial or Merlin engines flying overhead either.


6-4-3 wrote:Lighten up, Francis'.
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

Not Crap
It's the only time you get to see/experience planes do extreme things. It is like a flying circus. The military aspect of things wouldn't be objectionable if our political policies we more honorable. Air shows are just as popular in Canada, and your never-at-war, peace-nick northern European countries.
As a kid, I used to get a thrill-chill when I saw a B1 bomber fly by, knowing that that the only thing this was built to do was drop nuclear bombs on cities. That plane, and the B-52 are so ominous and frightening. They are flying containers of horror, filled with a hundred thousand ghosts waiting to be set free, like the end of the first Ghostbusters movie. Remember how awesome that was?
The show would be better if they blew up something with rockets, like an old boat, or an abandoned building.
For the record, I would also pay $1100 to see a nuclear bomb tested above ground.
Greg Norman FG

Sweet Jesus, the Sound of Death! Must Be Summer in Chicago!

You believe that the show is not an ad for the armed forces, which are right now being used by criminals to occupy foreign lands under false pretenses?

Blatant propaganda and getting the population (especially kids!) fired up for death doesn't bother you?

You and me at a party.

ME: Hey, great party huh?
YOU: You know that plastic cup you're drinking beer out of...?
ME: Yeah.
YOU: It's causing global warming, killing the environment and will eventually end up in a landfill taking 500-million years to biodegr-
ME: I'm going to go stand over there now.

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