would you?

Total votes: 6 (21%)
Total votes: 22 (79%)
Total votes: 28

Act: Bumming out cigarettes to pregnant women

On the one hand I feel strongly that people can do what they want without having other people judging them and putting their own shit on them, even if it's backed up by science. Also because I'm so addicted to cigarettes, and it's not like if i got pregnant all of a sudden I would not even want a smoke, you know? I mean I would try really hard but it is an addictive substance. I'd be like "JUST GIVE ME A SMOKE SO I DON'T GO BUY A WHOLE PACK ASSHOLE"

On the other hand it's not just hurting themselves, and I've got a friend whose adopted son has horrible asthma probably due to the mom smoking (chain smoking actually) while pregnant.

I don't give smokes to kids; I guess I probably wouldn't give one to a pregnant lady either. WF = 9

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