Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

jurgis rudkus wrote:
stackmatic wrote:Don't forget about the Kathleen Judge companion piece:


Right. Great, another $101 I need to spend.

By the by, Mr. Stack, Rob S. recently brought down (to Chicago) to me (Rob A.) two different Shellac show posters -- great stuff, sir.

The Laverne and Shirley thing is just awesome!

Thanks! Good to see you on the board Mr. Rob A. Let me know if/when you're next coming up this way.

Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

Wheely wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:Mine is still sitting in a tube because i've never been able to frame it. Someday i will find someone willing to frame a 40x22 print for me for cheap. Someday.

That sounds like a really stressful situation, sitting on a poster like that and dreaming of the day when a cheap framer will be found. I don't know how you deal with the weight of something like that. I mean, it'd be kinda nice to hurl off those shackles and just, you know, start livin'.


I am only posting because it's funny that this guy and I have the same situation, except I've got both posters rolled up in tubes not just the Ryan one. I need to be less lazy about this whole framing business.

I will start livin' by getting off my ass and making a frame for them.
DrAwkward wrote:If SKID ROW likes them enough to take them on tour, they must have something going on, right?

Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

joelb wrote:
Wheely wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:Mine is still sitting in a tube because i've never been able to frame it. Someday i will find someone willing to frame a 40x22 print for me for cheap. Someday.

I am only posting because it's funny that this guy and I have the same situation, except I've got both posters rolled up in tubes not just the Ryan one. I need to be less lazy about this whole framing business.

You little print-teases!
Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

joelb wrote:I am only posting because it's funny that this guy and I have the same situation, except I've got both posters rolled up in tubes not just the Ryan one. I need to be less lazy about this whole framing business.

I will start livin' by getting off my ass and making a frame for them.

Yeah, that's funny. Really... god... damn... funny.

Actually, if nothing comes out of starting this thread other than some beautiful posters make their way out of their cardboard tubes and up on some god damn walls, then I can die a happy, albeit posterless, man.


(And I say that lovingly. You beautiful fuckers.)
A little chi kung up the Ch'ueng Mo O))

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