The Michael Phelps Diet

johnnyshape wrote:This is apparently what Michael Phelps eats everyday. It totals 12,000 calories. Tour De France riders (who have to force feed themselves pasta every morning) consume a rubbish 8-10,000 calories on a stage day.

3 fried egg sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions, and mayonnaise
2 cups of coffee
a 5 egg omelet
a bowl of grits
3 slices of French toast with powdered sugar
3 chocolate chip pancakes

1 pound enriched pasta with tomato sauce
2 large ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread with mayonnaise
1,000 calories of energy drinks

1 pound of pasta with tomato sauce
6 to 8 slices of pizza
1,000 calories of energy drinks

More here.

This reminds me of one of the meanest things I have ever heard of anyone doing.
A dude I used to know got this fantastic idea in his head on how to become rich. We were watching bumfights one day and it hit him.
He decided he would get a mini hidden camera from the spy shop, the one he got was in a pair of sunglasses. He spent like 400 bucks on these hidden camera sunglasses. They looked like normal sunglasses, just had a mini hidden video camera in them, wire went down his back into a little digital recording unit strapped to his side.
His idea was that he would wear the sunglasses on dates with extremely overweight women he met in aol chat rooms, be really ignorant to them and sell the tapes to other assholes.
He really thought he had a million dollar idea.
He goes out and does this for the first time. He shows me the raw footage afterward. I seriously could not believe he actually did it, but there it is right on the screen.
They sit down outside at some restaurant downtown on the patio and chit chat for a bit. He seems nice to her, they are just yapping away making small talk.
The waitress comes and he says 'I'll have the cheeseburger and a coke....the lady will be having.....let's see here.....ok, she'll be having 4 roasted chickens, 12 chili cheese dogs with everything, 6 steak sandwiches, 7 orders of there any way you can actually drizzle chocolate syrup and melted nacho cheese onto the fries? Also, 3 birthday cakes and an entire strawberry cheesecake for desert. Oh, and a diet coke'

The waitress calls him a fucking asshole, the chick is just sitting there absolutely in shock. There's yelling and name calling.
The bartender comes over and threatens to kick his ass, they throw him right out. The chick is just sitting there, they are all gathered around her consoling her.

Man, that dude was like one tiny step away from a serial killer.

Last I heard he gave up on the idea because his lawyer told him he'd have to get them to sign a waiver to use the footage or else blur their face and neither worked.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

The Michael Phelps Diet

Marsupialized wrote:The waitress comes and he says 'I'll have the cheeseburger and a coke....the lady will be having.....let's see here.....ok, she'll be having 4 roasted chickens, 12 chili cheese dogs with everything, 6 steak sandwiches, 7 orders of there any way you can actually drizzle chocolate syrup and melted nacho cheese onto the fries? Also, 3 birthday cakes and an entire strawberry cheesecake for desert. Oh, and a diet coke'

:smt044 :smt044 :smt044 :smt044 :smt044 That's the funniest thing that I have read since yesterday & I am laughing loudly. Nice one Marsup

& I wonder if Chuck Berry would have thought of fixing one of his special toilet cams, if Michael Phelps had frequented his restaurants.
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:As long as elites are in the minority, minorities will stay in the majority of the poor.

The Michael Phelps Diet

ssakmule wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:The waitress comes and he says 'I'll have the cheeseburger and a coke....the lady will be having.....let's see here.....ok, she'll be having 4 roasted chickens, 12 chili cheese dogs with everything, 6 steak sandwiches, 7 orders of there any way you can actually drizzle chocolate syrup and melted nacho cheese onto the fries? Also, 3 birthday cakes and an entire strawberry cheesecake for desert. Oh, and a diet coke'

:smt044 :smt044 :smt044 :smt044 :smt044

:shock: :cry: :x :smt011 :smt067

The Michael Phelps Diet

michael phelps' distended stomach wrote:Breakfast:
3 fried egg sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions, and mayonnaise
2 cups of coffee
a 5 egg omelet
a bowl of grits
3 slices of French toast with powdered sugar
3 chocolate chip pancakes

1 pound enriched pasta with tomato sauce
2 large ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread with mayonnaise
1,000 calories of energy drinks

1 pound of pasta with tomato sauce
6 to 8 slices of pizza
1,000 calories of energy drinks

or, one big mac.

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