what'll be, private?

"cotton gouged-out-eyed joe"
Total votes: 8 (47%)
"come on barbie, let's go party"
Total votes: 9 (53%)
Total votes: 17

padded room: " barbie girl" vs. " cotton eyed j

When I was in high school, I was once hanging out in the theater basement, watching some of my friends who were rehearsing in their improv comedy club. For some reason, there was a lot of noise coming from upstairs, and being that I wasn't a member, one of the guys dispatched me to find out what the fuck was going on.

So I climb up the stairs and enter the theater, which was set for a stage adaptation of Dead Man Walking- the set was just an enormous square cement slab in the middle of the stage (it was set "in the round"). My friends in theater tech had effectively turned the theater into a fucking dance club, complete with my friends dancing on the slab, the stage lights repeatedly flashing, and Cotton-Eyed Joe blaring over the PA.

For that memory alone, Cotton-Eyed Joe is NOT CRAP.

padded room: " barbie girl" vs. " cotton eyed j

Dear god, no.

I'd have to take the dulcet tones of Rednex over that Aqua song.

Clearly, both are horrible, but the Aqua chick's shrill vocals and the song's grating bounciness are the deciding factors here. If I'm not mistaken, there is also a male vocalist in "Barbie Girl," singing in an unbelievably obnoxious pitched-down voice.

I cannot hear a few seconds of that song without wanting to gouge out my ears. It is--hands down--one of the worst things I have ever heard.

Compared to the girl in Aqua's screeching and "Barbie Girl"'s overwhelming obnoxiousness, "Cotton-Eye Joe" seems relatively innocuous.

Taken on its own, the Rednex song is inexcusably awful euro-horseshit. For some reason, I remember an MTV News clip with these Rednex people talking about how their one-song hillbilly schtick would be "zee next beeg theeng." I hope none of these buffoons ever made music again.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, Aqua are from Denmark. I like to imagine them hanging out with King Diamond. If he was singing "Barbie Girl," I'd change my vote.

Please, for me, make the RANK:

"Barbie Girl" by Aqua
"Cotton-Eye Joe" by Rednex
"Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop)" by Scatman John
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight Catholicism....no nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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