japmn wrote:Last year someone told me it cost $250,000 for every day they practice and over $2,000,000 the day of in fuel costs alone.
I don't know how true that is but I bet it isn't far off.
Total Crap.
That's small change when you think about what a great PR coup this is for the military. They get to wow everyone with their fancy hardware, who walk away thinking how "cool" that stuff is and never question that a machine like the F-22 costs us $350,000,000 a piece!
By my calculation, it costs about $600/minute in fuel for each F-18 flying combat type maneuvers, and probably half that in transit. It's probably about $450-500/minute for the F-16 and F-22.
I'd figure about $72,000 in fuel for a flight of four with a 15 min performance and 30 minutes to and from the airport.
Marsupialized wrote:Right now somewhere nearby there is a fat video game nerd in his apartment fucking a pretty hot girl he met off craigslist. God bless that craig and his list.