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tommydski wrote:
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:Posting While You Are Hung Thread
Sorry, but by his own admission tommydski is not allowed to post to this thread.

What if I was being hung from my ankles over a ravine or something?

That'd be pretty relevant and impressive.

I think he means the other hung. People are usually "hanged" when discussing being strung up by something. Sorry for being a grammar Nazi, especially when most of mine is deplorable.
This is going to get worse before it gets any better.

Rename thread titles for current EA threads.

Not quite right. 'Hanged' is a word which describes the method of execution in which a human is suspended by a rope from their neck. You cannot be 'hanged' from your ankles though.

The distinction is made purely for the verb describing one particular type of execution. People are initially hung and then said to be hanged, in the same way that one might drown and be referred to as drowned. The change in state is represented by another word.

If you were holding onto my ankles over a ravine and someone asked me to describe what had happened, I would be correct to say -

He hung me by my ankles.

However, it would be incorrect to say -

He hanged me from my ankles.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

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