Dairy Queen s new flavor- The Double-Dipped Democratic Party

heather wrote:somebody replaced my black sabbath record with bloodgood!


hahahaha holy shit. heather has just climbed to the top of my "favorite EA posters" list solely by mentioning the Metal Missionaries. I was kinda brought up on a lot of Christian metal, see. Anyway.

Salut, Heather! I have laughed hysterically at the re-membering of this band!
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

Dairy Queen s new flavor- The Double-Dipped Democratic Party

Marsupialized wrote:The fat Christian woman here at work, the same one who loved Juno....she was speaking about Obama being the antichrist out loud to nobody.
She said 'and he was born in the middle east too! It says he'll be born in the middle east!'
I said 'I am pretty sure he was born in Hawaii'
she said 'No, he was born in Kenya, which is in the middle east'
I just said 'ok' and she kept ranting

Kenya is also not in the Middle East.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Dairy Queen s new flavor- The Double-Dipped Democratic Party

Mandroid2.0 wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:The fat Christian woman here at work, the same one who loved Juno....she was speaking about Obama being the antichrist out loud to nobody.
She said 'and he was born in the middle east too! It says he'll be born in the middle east!'
I said 'I am pretty sure he was born in Hawaii'
she said 'No, he was born in Kenya, which is in the middle east'
I just said 'ok' and she kept ranting

Kenya is also not in the Middle East.

yeah, I know
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Dairy Queen s new flavor- The Double-Dipped Democratic Party

Rick Reuben wrote:
fancyjamtime wrote:I'm going out on a limb and guessing that few if any "liberals" truly believe that Bush and Co have supernatural powers or are mentioned in prophecy.
Of course. As we all know, everyone on the Left is an urban sophisticate with a master's degree, and none would ever have truck with that primitive hillbilly religion called Christianity.

I wasn't aware that trucks even have religion. I'm glad I drive an agnostic sedan.

Snarking aside, you gotta be fucking kidding me with this. Show me a left-leaning believer in Armageddon and I'll show you a schizophrenic. The "angry god" meme with a "sleeves rolled up ass-kicking Jesus" is a conservative idea. Liberals tend to go for the lamb petting zoo hippy Christ. Or none at all. Right leaning athiests tend to be Libertarian.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Dairy Queen s new flavor- The Double-Dipped Democratic Party

Marsupialized wrote:The fat Christian woman here at work, the same one who loved Juno....she was speaking about Obama being the antichrist out loud to nobody.
She said 'and he was born in the middle east too! It says he'll be born in the middle east!'
I said 'I am pretty sure he was born in Hawaii'
she said 'No, he was born in Kenya, which is in the middle east'
I just said 'ok' and she kept ranting

Is there a skinny Xian about whom you've posted?
Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

Dairy Queen s new flavor- The Double-Dipped Democratic Party

Rick Reuben wrote:
fancyjamtime wrote: Show me a left-leaning believer in Armageddon and I'll show you a schizophrenic.
You're mixing up 'liberal' and 'left'. I said that there are many people on the Left who take what is in Revelations seriously. They vote Democratic. They're on the Left. This pisses off 'urban sophisticate liberals', because they hate the idea that they have to share the Left with people they despise, like lower income/working class Christians.

What? How do urban sophisticate liberals despise lower income/working class Christians? They might not appreciate the way they vote on some issues but liberals have always championed the issues of the working class.

I am always dumbfounded when an unemployed guy votes Republican because he isn't voting in his own best interest. He is typically tricked into voting that way because of the demagoguery of the right. If the left were fucking smart they would work harder for the Christian vote by emphasing human rights/civil rights/charity etc.

I think this may be what Obama is doing. I'm not a Christian and I'm a firm beliver in the separation of church and state. However, it does occur to me that charitable religious people (and yes, there are a good many of them) agree more with the tenants of the left and would vote as such if they shut out the demagogues.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Dairy Queen s new flavor- The Double-Dipped Democratic Party

I personally subscribe to the Watchmen school of thought. All the crazy right wing and crazy left wing will get into such a big fight that it will take total annihilation to really get everyone together again.... anyway. If Obaba's the Anti-Christ... well... I'd like to meet the guy that met the regular christ... cause I'm sure he doesn't exist. Christian propaganda everywhere, but if you're born in india and turn out to be hindu, well.. consider yourself fucked
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:Oh I neglected to mention that my penis has barbs, like a cat.

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