Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Because watching tonight's ass-kissing display in OC was fucking painful. Painful to watch both candidates at it, mind you.

I wish these "evangelicals" were a tiny, forgotten minority here and Obama could have gotten up on that stage and done things differently.

"Abortion? Fuck yeah. You got a womb, pastor? That's right - no, you don't. Just STFU."

"Stem cell research? Hell yeah. They are microscopic bits of goo in a fucking petri dish that could save thousands of people from dreadful diseases. Are you seriously suggesting that those people should die in pain to save the blobs of goo?"

"Is 'evil' real? WTF. Ask me a proper question, Pastor Chubhead."

Fuck evangelicals. Fuck 'em all.

Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Rick Reuben wrote:
stewie wrote:"Abortion? Fuck yeah. You got a womb, pastor? That's right - no, you don't. Just STFU."
Are we still making the argument that only women get to have an opinion on abortion? Even though a woman's womb carries the baby, it doesn't get in there without a man's contribution. The man has to 'STFU' when it comes to abortion?

Do we need to have an all female Supreme Court to rule on cases like Roe v. Wade, too, or are male justices allowed to join in?

Shooting your load in someone doesn't give you rights over their body.

Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Rick Reuben wrote:
stewie wrote:"Abortion? Fuck yeah. You got a womb, pastor? That's right - no, you don't. Just STFU."
Are we still making the argument that only women get to have an opinion on abortion? Even though a woman's womb carries the baby, it doesn't get in there without a man's contribution. The man has to 'STFU' when it comes to abortion?

Do we need to have an all female Supreme Court to rule on cases like Roe v. Wade, too, or are male justices allowed to join in?

Men should have absolutely no say in abortion whatsoever. It's the woman's body, she can do what she wants with it. Period.
She was doing you a favor letting you fuck her to begin with, now you think you have some kind of say so over her life?
If she wants to have it and raise it, that's her decision. If she wants to have an abortion, that's her decision. If she wants to have it and says you have to help her take care of it, that's her decision. If she wants to sell it to a barren yuppie couple or some lesbians, that's her decision.
Shit, If she wants to squat over a blender with a coathanger and make fetus smoothies for everyone, that's her decision.
It is remarkably easy for a man to not get a woman pregnant.
Just because you were too stupid and careless to not get her pregnant means you have a say in her affairs all of a sudden?
Yeah fucking right.
If you get a woman pregnant, you have to abide by her decisions as how to proceed. End of story.
Oh but it's her fault too, she didn't tell me to put a condom on! We were caught up in the heat of the moment!
Give me a break. Tough shit. Your fault and your fault alone. You are the one with the dick.
Deal with the repurcussions of your actions. Your 'power' over her is gone. She now holds the cards.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Rick Reuben wrote:
murderedman wrote:Shooting your load in someone doesn't give you rights over their body.
So if you start a baby growing in your wife, you'd be fine with coming home from work one day and having her tell you, "Oh, by the way, honey, when I was on my way back from the grocery store, I stopped at the clinic and had the baby killed. Hope you don't mind."?

You are misidentifying the problem. For that to happen, it means the marriage is really fucked up. I am fine with my wife having any freedom, because I trust and respect her. If there were to be an abortion, there would be discussion, not surprise.

Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Johnny 13 wrote:
Rick Reuben wrote:
murderedman wrote:Shooting your load in someone doesn't give you rights over their body.
So if you start a baby growing in your wife, you'd be fine with coming home from work one day and having her tell you, "Oh, by the way, honey, when I was on my way back from the grocery store, I stopped at the clinic and had the baby killed. Hope you don't mind."?

You are misidentifying the problem. For that to happen, it means the marriage is really fucked up. I am fine with my wife having any freedom, because I trust and respect her. If there were to be an abortion, there would be discussion, not surprise.

Not to mention that I would hope that any two people who are having sex within any relationship have agreed early on upon wanting to have kids vs. not wanting to have children.

Personally, I would never sleep with someone who was against me having an abortion should I become pregnant and I would absolutely not become involved in a relationship with someone who wanted to have children with me. This has ruined quite a few potentially great relationships before they ever really took off romantically, but in my mind, it's a waste of both of our times to pursue something that is just going to end the moment the other party decides that they want to "settle down."

Also, what 'Sup said above.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Rick Reuben wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:If you get a woman pregnant, you have to abide by her decisions as how to proceed. End of story.
I used the word 'wife' and not 'woman' for a reason. I didn't ask about what happens after a one night stand. I'm asking about an intentional impregnation of a wife. It's your opinion that a wife can unilaterally terminate a planned pregnancy without discussing it with the husband? Just for the sake of argument: if the husband is the only earner in the marriage, can he just decide to sell a car he bought for his wife without any discussion, or cancel all her credit cards? It's his income, just like it's her womb, right?

If my wife gets pregnant it's 100% her decision on how to proceed. I would shut the fuck up and see what she wanted to do. I wouldn't say a fucking word.
I would pray to allah, Jesus, Tiamat and everyone else everyday she would decide to have an abortion, but if she decided to have it I would just have to deal with it.
If the husband bought the car, he can sell it. If he's the only one making money he can cancel the credit cards as well.
It's a real asshole move and she'll freak the fuck out on him about it and he'll have to deal with all that but like you said, it's his income.
If the man is the sole breadwinner, that's the deal they have set up in their marriage. He'll be in charge of the finances and cash flow.
Two totally different situations.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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