My allegiance lies with:

Total votes: 125 (49%)
The Jesus Lizard
Total votes: 131 (51%)
Total votes: 256

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

That was an awkward interview.

David Simms was the bass player in THE! Jesus Lizard and knows his own business; but how could he have reasonably expected that an outsider would be on the same footing to know this business?

He comes across as rude and contemptuous towards Miles Cunt of The Blunderscuff [Oooooh! It's toooo easy! Gives with one hand and takes with the other].

Still, I like that compound at the end when Miles for hire says "get it right!" and then cuts to " "Panic In Cicero" ".

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

HOUSTON_M wrote:^^^^^^
That was an awkward interview.

David Simms was the bass player in THE! Jesus Lizard and knows his own business; but how could he have reasonably expected that an outsider would be on the same footing to know this business?

He comes across as rude and contemptuous towards Miles Cunt of The Blunderscuff [Oooooh! It's toooo easy! Gives with one hand and takes with the other].

Still, I like that compound at the end when Miles for hire says "get it right!" and then cuts to " "Panic In Cicero" ".

Have you tried emailing him? He doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would mind you blowing him.

I've seen the bridges burning in the night.

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