Do I go see The New Year for $18 w/ Minus the Bear?

Poll ended at Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:40 am You may select 1 option

Yes, you fucking idiot, it's The New Year, $18 is a drop in the bucket anyway
Total votes: 6 (100%)
No, save your money and be glad that you're not having to deal with hipsters and Minus The Bear (No votes)
Total votes: 6

The New Year in Cleveland, with Minus The Bear...

Right, so The New Year are coming to Cleveland but they're opening for Minus the Bear. Never dug the latter, but I'd fucking love to finally see The Brothers Kadane do their shit live.

Other pluses is that there's limited tickets for the show, so it won't be packed from wall to wall like the place usually is. And that it's going to be 21+ only. I expect some pretty big hipster groups coming though.

Still though, Minus the Bear... and tix are $18. I saw Boris at the same place for cheaper, wtf?
Dr. McNinja wrote:I just surfed a robo dracula from the Moon, so all y'alls can just take it.

The New Year in Cleveland, with Minus The Bear...

Dave/Eksvplot wrote:Go see 'em, champ!

It's not like you can't leave after The New Year's set.

Sure, but $18 just for one band? I know that they'll sound sweet as the bootlegs are wicked and all, but I'm having problems justifying it.

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:when?

October 20th. But I'm going to be a busy man, and tix are limited, so it's best to decide now before it's too late.
Dr. McNinja wrote:I just surfed a robo dracula from the Moon, so all y'alls can just take it.

The New Year in Cleveland, with Minus The Bear...

burun wrote:Why do you need a committee to tell you what to do?

I should have started a thread last night at the bar:

Cider: Should I Have Another One?
When I knew perfectly well that yes, I wanted another one, and I was going to have one.

Christ on a crutch. You either want to see the show or you don't.
i just realized how much i'd enjoy a burun drunk dial.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

The New Year in Cleveland, with Minus The Bear...

burun wrote:Why do you need a committee to tell you what to do?

Because I'm an indecisive little bitch from time to time, and things like going to see just a single band (even if it's an awesome one) for $18 early in my semester weighs on my mind.

I have no idea if I'm going to ever see the New Year ever again; It's a bit shocking that they and Minus the Bear are coming to Cleveland in the first place. So, I'd just like to see what everyone else feels about this. Sorry if it offends you, Burun.
Dr. McNinja wrote:I just surfed a robo dracula from the Moon, so all y'alls can just take it.

The New Year in Cleveland, with Minus The Bear...

that damned fly wrote:i just realized how much i'd enjoy a burun drunk dial.

I'm not as much fun as some others.

I'm not offended, I'm just confused why it's an issue you feel like sharing in this manner. I live in a city where bands often play more than once in a 5 year period, so missing a good band is not a huge deal.

$18 is a lot for one band, yes, but if you really think TNY aren't going to play in Cleveland again while you are living there, then just go. It's $18. Maybe seems like a lot of dollars now, but you are a smart guy, you can figure out how to make it work.

I'm shutting up now.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

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