So I came across this site TuneCore. Basically you can upload your tracks and sell them through iTunes, emusic, etc using TuneCore as the "vehicle" to host the tracks (I think thats how it works). It sounds like a pretty good way of selling tracks via itunes and the like. You get paid at the end of the month by cheque or paypal. Has anyone dealt with this site...? Is it a scam?
the TuneCore website.
2Verbs and Nouns wrote:So I came across this site TuneCore. Basically you can upload your tracks and sell them through iTunes, emusic, etc using TuneCore as the "vehicle" to host the tracks (I think thats how it works). It sounds like a pretty good way of selling tracks via itunes and the like. You get paid at the end of the month by cheque or paypal. Has anyone dealt with this site...? Is it a scam?
It is not a scam. It is useful and time-saving. I would recommend it, based on the experience of the band of which I am one-fourth.
the TuneCore website.
4post honeymoon is using this. so far, i'm very impressed. i did research about the best way to dig distribute our stuff, and this was the most impressive. largest cut of sales etc. only downside is the recurring yearly fee. essentially, you need to speculate your sales yearly, and if you will offset the cost of adding to another store.
already i've made $.01 in streaming from rhapsody or something.... but since there is a delay in reporting, i haven't got my official figures yet since our stuff just went to itunes last month.
i will say this: having been on a couple different indie labels, one thing i've found consistantly frustrating is the lack of information on ACTUAL sales. i've always felt a little smoke and mirrors from the label as it's in thier best interest to have your sales low, as they don't need to pay you if you havent hit recoupables. especially since the tunecore site is automated, there's no incentive for them to fuck you and withhold what's coming to you to fund other label projects. i'm just a client ID as far as tunecore is concerned.
another thing, is the owner/founder of tunecore is the label head of SPINart records - so it's not completely douche founded as most of these "check out this new business model for bands things" are.
i'm pretty stoked to take the large scale manufacturing component out, and international distrubution in at limited cost. i have piles and piles of old band's cds, LPs and 7"s in my position just taking up space in my house becuase of a poor ability to forecast demand. this elimates that (assuming people do have a digital demand). but along those lines, still - if there is no demand for your music, so what. but that sort of also makes it awesome. if say, there are 30 people on this forum who would be into your band, becuase you have some rediculously off-the-wall thing going on that isn't pitchfork approved, but is still valid art - how awesome is it that some forum member here from anywhere in the world, can legally buy your shit, where you can actually get paid for it - with no middlemen.
i'm a big supporter so far. that said, all you fuckers in EU and japan, i paid extra to have my stuff in your itunes - go buy it!
it's also nice that you can have ISRC numbers assigned to you - and once you have those, you can have your mastering engineer embed them in your tracks. this is helpful because in europe they use that to track radio play more accurately if you're a member of a performing rights organzation like ASCAP or BMI. if you care about that sort of shit.... well, i've gotten royalty checks for like $1.33 or something stupid. not really worth cashing, but interesting to think of the amount of time and effort that went into getting that tiny check...
god the 'music business' sucks.
already i've made $.01 in streaming from rhapsody or something.... but since there is a delay in reporting, i haven't got my official figures yet since our stuff just went to itunes last month.
i will say this: having been on a couple different indie labels, one thing i've found consistantly frustrating is the lack of information on ACTUAL sales. i've always felt a little smoke and mirrors from the label as it's in thier best interest to have your sales low, as they don't need to pay you if you havent hit recoupables. especially since the tunecore site is automated, there's no incentive for them to fuck you and withhold what's coming to you to fund other label projects. i'm just a client ID as far as tunecore is concerned.
another thing, is the owner/founder of tunecore is the label head of SPINart records - so it's not completely douche founded as most of these "check out this new business model for bands things" are.
i'm pretty stoked to take the large scale manufacturing component out, and international distrubution in at limited cost. i have piles and piles of old band's cds, LPs and 7"s in my position just taking up space in my house becuase of a poor ability to forecast demand. this elimates that (assuming people do have a digital demand). but along those lines, still - if there is no demand for your music, so what. but that sort of also makes it awesome. if say, there are 30 people on this forum who would be into your band, becuase you have some rediculously off-the-wall thing going on that isn't pitchfork approved, but is still valid art - how awesome is it that some forum member here from anywhere in the world, can legally buy your shit, where you can actually get paid for it - with no middlemen.
i'm a big supporter so far. that said, all you fuckers in EU and japan, i paid extra to have my stuff in your itunes - go buy it!
it's also nice that you can have ISRC numbers assigned to you - and once you have those, you can have your mastering engineer embed them in your tracks. this is helpful because in europe they use that to track radio play more accurately if you're a member of a performing rights organzation like ASCAP or BMI. if you care about that sort of shit.... well, i've gotten royalty checks for like $1.33 or something stupid. not really worth cashing, but interesting to think of the amount of time and effort that went into getting that tiny check...
god the 'music business' sucks.
the TuneCore website.
6I've signed up for tunecore and should be up and running in a month or so.
I was pretty dubious as i've been burnt by similar things in the past but as you guys and others have had a good experience, i've gone for it.
Now. My music distribution's sorted. How the hell do I promote myself?
Myspace is useless. Never seem to get any traffic at all.
Reverb Nation seems a nice setup but seems to be muso's listening to muso's.
Facebook is just my friends listening to it.
How can I promote myself? I'll even pay some money to someone if it gets some results, hits, sales e.t.c.
Anyone have any tips?
I was pretty dubious as i've been burnt by similar things in the past but as you guys and others have had a good experience, i've gone for it.
Now. My music distribution's sorted. How the hell do I promote myself?
Myspace is useless. Never seem to get any traffic at all.
Reverb Nation seems a nice setup but seems to be muso's listening to muso's.
Facebook is just my friends listening to it.
How can I promote myself? I'll even pay some money to someone if it gets some results, hits, sales e.t.c.
Anyone have any tips?
the TuneCore website.
7blinduncledallas wrote:I've signed up for tunecore and should be up and running in a month or so.
I was pretty dubious as i've been burnt by similar things in the past but as you guys and others have had a good experience, i've gone for it.
Now. My music distribution's sorted. How the hell do I promote myself?
Myspace is useless. Never seem to get any traffic at all.
Reverb Nation seems a nice setup but seems to be muso's listening to muso's.
Facebook is just my friends listening to it.
How can I promote myself? I'll even pay some money to someone if it gets some results, hits, sales e.t.c.
Anyone have any tips?
I can possibly get you a great flashy fancy pants website built if you do not already have one, for a very very good price. I will have to check the schedule of jobs going on right now.
the TuneCore website.
8TRIFECTA wrote:blinduncledallas wrote:I've signed up for tunecore and should be up and running in a month or so.
I was pretty dubious as i've been burnt by similar things in the past but as you guys and others have had a good experience, i've gone for it.
Now. My music distribution's sorted. How the hell do I promote myself?
Myspace is useless. Never seem to get any traffic at all.
Reverb Nation seems a nice setup but seems to be muso's listening to muso's.
Facebook is just my friends listening to it.
How can I promote myself? I'll even pay some money to someone if it gets some results, hits, sales e.t.c.
Anyone have any tips?
I can possibly get you a great flashy fancy pants website built if you do not already have one, for a very very good price. I will have to check the schedule of jobs going on right now.
Thanks Trifeca. I used to have a website with flash and all the shit. But no-one visited it. Tried all the search tricks e.t.c. to no avail. I just let the domain lapse.
I'm thinking about targeted advertising or something (i'm absolutely shit at self promotion)
I know people rail against record companies but at least you can get some decent promotion with the right people.
I've been looking at various 'promo' companies but it just costs too much. If I had a few thousand bucks lying around, I could do something.