Act: Thanking someone for sex whom you did not pay

Thank you non: I did not say please, I will not say thank you
Total votes: 10 (56%)
Thank you oui: It's been a long time, merci
Total votes: 8 (44%)
Total votes: 18

Act: Thanking someone for sex whom you did not pay

I've never thanked anyone, nor have I been thanked by anyone else...or I don't remember either type of exchange having taken place. The idea never even occurred to me. Now I'm thinking, shit dude, if they don't say thanks is this a bad sign? Or is it a bad sign to thank/be thanked? Like, "Thank you so much for the sex, I never get laid". Guess it depends on the situation, though I tend to think in dichotomies, so I can't much help but divide it up like that.

Act: Thanking someone for sex whom you did not pay

I am reminded of one girl I was seeing for awhile, she spoke not so much the good English.
After an extremely vigorous boinking one evening, we are sitting on the couch smoking a joint watching the Portishead DVD and she says 'Thank you very much for the...' then pounds her fist into her hand a few times 'for the pounding, it came in handy. I had a lot of stress, now I'm calm'
Those were her exact words.
Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy. I had a lot of stress, now I am calm.
It's rolled around in my head a million different ways ever since and I have come to the conclusion that it's most likely the most awesome thing ever.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Act: Thanking someone for sex whom you did not pay

Marsupialized wrote:I am reminded of one girl I was seeing for awhile, she spoke not so much the good English.
After an extremely vigorous boinking one evening, we are sitting on the couch smoking a joint watching the Portishead DVD and she says 'Thank you very much for the...' then pounds her fist into her hand a few times 'for the pounding, it came in handy. I had a lot of stress, now I'm calm'
Those were her exact words.
Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy. I had a lot of stress, now I am calm.
It's rolled around in my head a million different ways ever since and I have come to the conclusion that it's most likely the most awesome thing ever.

That is pretty cool. Now think of it again but with Michael Wincott's voice.

Act: Thanking someone for sex whom you did not pay

iembalm wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I am reminded of one girl I was seeing for awhile, she spoke not so much the good English.
After an extremely vigorous boinking one evening, we are sitting on the couch smoking a joint watching the Portishead DVD and she says 'Thank you very much for the...' then pounds her fist into her hand a few times 'for the pounding, it came in handy. I had a lot of stress, now I'm calm'
Those were her exact words.
Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy. I had a lot of stress, now I am calm.
It's rolled around in my head a million different ways ever since and I have come to the conclusion that it's most likely the most awesome thing ever.

That is pretty cool. Now think of it again but with Michael Wincott's voice.

When I think of it, I imagine Steve Perry or Dennis DeYoung singing it on stage in front of thousands of people, they are all going wild.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Act: Thanking someone for sex whom you did not pay

Is is just the "thank" phrases in particular that has everyone wigged out?

What about compliments in general? If you vote 'CRAP' on thanking, would you also vote 'CRAP' on random compliments?

IF YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT - if you're really putting in 110% effort, there's no telling what words might fly out of your mouth or your partner's mouth, either during the act or just afterwards... if you're really encouraging each other to "loosen up" and "lose yourselves" for a bit, then who the fuck is lame enough to keep score and hold someone accountable for some shit that they said?

Way to overthink this one, rockers.
My mind, it's a terrible diskette.

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