Are all women crazy?

Yes, they are all crazy
Total votes: 23 (43%)
No, some are normal like me
Total votes: 30 (57%)
Total votes: 53

Are all women crazy?

This is like asking if all men are misogynists. The best thing you can do is try to learn what many other men have had to learn if they want to graduate to successful relationships with women. Just look at the common thread in your past relationships. Sure the women may be similar but they are different people; the only constant is you.

For a long time I was constantly asking myself why I had bad luck with women, why they were nuts, why they always went for the assholes, and then I sat and thought about it and realized it was me. Instead of being a needy nice guy and trying to force relationships that would have been terrible for myself or my partner I just stopped looking for one. As soon as I stopped looking for a relationship I found my wife. In fact I almost scared her off by not trying too hard and not being the nice guy. When I stopped sending out the needy message and mixed signals everything got very clear for both of us.

Part of having a successful and meaningful relationship is being able to grow together as well as being worried about how the things you do will affect each other. Based on what you've said about her self esteem problems I am sure she doesn't want to come right out and tell you she's worried your relationship won't handle a month apart. I can't imagine after 7.5 years of marriage just leaving my wife for work for a month. Even leaving for a couple of weeks is hard. I imagine your girlfriend is thinking the same thing.

We're all crazy. The key is meeting the person who complements your neuroses instead of reinforcing them.

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