Not a non-master JMP. It's a 2553 - It's very nice.
I spend ages trying to find a matching cab - but people want crazy money for them so I gave up and just bought a cheap 2x12 - it's fine, I just want to try something different.
An empty matching cab when on recently for £150!
Guitar through a Bass Cab - Anyone?
22Someone who I know sometimes plays his guitar through an Ampeg SVT bass head & then through a 4 x 10 cabinet. It sounds really good. Perhaps somewhat muffled if you're playing parts that are meant to be wirey and jagged, but excellent for what he does, which involves tons of loops that gradually expand over the course of twenty minutes. The bass set-up seems to give it some extra expansiveness and it just seems to envelope the room more than when he uses a guitar amp.
Guitar through a Bass Cab - Anyone?
23B_M_L wrote:Anyone play a guitar amp through a Bass Cab?
What are the chances of it sounding ok? Any chance it will sound great? or is this just a silly thing to try?
I've been offered a 4x10 Cab. I'm thinking of trying it out. It's 8ohm so it's okay for my amp head.
I've heard of Jazzers using 1x15 cabs - but I play regular distorted/rock guitar if that counts for anything.
have done this once or twice - once definitely on a 4track recording with a JCM 800 and some kind of 8x10 ampeg fridge cab. it sounded thin and sinewy, i'm sure due in part to the cheap strat i was playing. it didn't sound bad, but not really awesome.
it's def. a depends on what you're using kind of question. in other words, if you have a friend who will let you try it for an hour, then why not? but i wouldn't stake anything on it, or like... buy some gear for this scenario without being sure it's what you want...
Guitar through a Bass Cab - Anyone?
24the ex: both terrie and andy play guitar and baritone through a guitar amp plus 1x15 bass cab. i've seen them live in europe with koch amps plus ampeg bass cabs, in the pictures from T&G 25th it's different amps and cabs but with a 1x15 each.
Guitar through a Bass Cab - Anyone?
25just remembered the other time i did something with this setup...
it was an improv trio with a drummer and another guitarist. i played my guitar through an 8x10 ampeg cab again, but with a sunn beta bass head and using an octave pedal. kinda sounded like the organ on a deep purple record or something
it was an improv trio with a drummer and another guitarist. i played my guitar through an 8x10 ampeg cab again, but with a sunn beta bass head and using an octave pedal. kinda sounded like the organ on a deep purple record or something