Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Rick Reuben wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:And Johnny keeps saying that in a healthy relationship, the partners have a pretty good idea what they would do in advance, having spoken about it before, and would likely discuss at the time what they would do.
So you agree with me- in a healthy relationship, a man is entitled to participate in the abortion decision.

Maybe, his input would be a good thing, but in the end, the ultimate decision is hers. It also should never be a requirement. If she feels there is some reason to keep knowledge of the pregnancy from her partner, it is her right. He just planted the seed, he doesn't have to carry it to term.

Rick, have you ever known anyone who's had an abortion? Or are you just working on theoreticals here?
Last edited by Mark Hansen_Archive on Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Marsupialized wrote:What kind of dude would be against the chick getting an abortion?

No, I demand you have the kid. This carefree life I lead, unshackled by bullshit must stop at once! It's time I grew up and focused on what's really important in life.
A baby.

I am sorry, I actually laughed out loud as I wrote that.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of men like that, who think the woman must submit to his superior will, at whatever cost to her.
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Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Mark Hansen wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:What kind of dude would be against the chick getting an abortion?

No, I demand you have the kid. This carefree life I lead, unshackled by bullshit must stop at once! It's time I grew up and focused on what's really important in life.
A baby.

I am sorry, I actually laughed out loud as I wrote that.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of men like that, who think the woman must submit to his superior will, at whatever cost to her.

If you are a man, a male and are sitting there thinking 'I want a baby' you are one fucked up in the head motherfucker. Seriously. That's just fucking twisted.
A man should only have a baby in his life if forced or tricked into it, and has absolutely no way to get away.
Or if the chick's family are really rich.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Skronk wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:If you are a man, a male and are sitting there thinking 'I want a baby' you are one fucked up in the head motherfucker. Seriously. That's just fucking twisted.

What exactly makes that twisted?


Think of every great man in history. Think right now of men throughout history who have done great and awesome things. Maybe just cool motherfuckers, think of them. Think of the coolest motherfuckers who have ever lived. Get it in your head. Have them all just going through your head like a photobook, one after another.

Got it? See those bad ass motherfuckers?

Do any of those pictures in your head resemble this one even a little bit?

Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Rick Reuben wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:Rick, have you ever known anyone who's had an abortion?
I know some people on this forum who I suspect might have had their oxygen supply choked off at some point in their lives, but that's as close as it gets.

Then, maybe you should get some real life experience, if some women would be able to trust you enough not to judge them if they were to confide in you that they have had, or were going to have, an abortion. For the women I've known (one before we were partners, one close friend) it was not something they took lightly.

Real life is much messier and more complicated than any scenario someone could come up with, it is never a black and white situation.

BTW, I don't mean anything said above as a slam at you, just that real experiences always trump any theory about how life should be lived.
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Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Marsupialized wrote:
Skronk wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:If you are a man, a male and are sitting there thinking 'I want a baby' you are one fucked up in the head motherfucker. Seriously. That's just fucking twisted.

What exactly makes that twisted?


Think of every great man in history. Think right now of men throughout history who have done great and awesome things. Maybe just cool motherfuckers, think of them. Think of the coolest motherfuckers who have ever lived. Get it in your head. Have them all just going through your head like a photobook, one after another.

Got it? See those bad ass motherfuckers?

Do any of those pictures in your head resemble this one even a little bit?


Marsup, maybe I'm not one of the great men of history of which you speak (although I like to think I was a pretty cool motherfucker at one point), but I have a 28 year old son (admittedly, not my biological son, but through my ex-wife, who had him before we started dating), but I wouldn't give up the experience of having helped raise him for anything.

It could be argued that providing the seed is the least part of fatherhood.
Available in hit crimson or surprising process this calculator will physics up your kitchen

Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Rick Reuben wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I think men should be killed and eaten by the female once mating in complete.
I don't know why you and Rachael never got along here- you're the biggest feminist on the board.

I'd rather spend an entire evening rubbing the tip of my dick around the rim of every toilet seat in the men's room at the greyhound station on Harrison than spend five seconds in the same room as that awful, awful woman. Just a horrible human being from what I remember.
Good riddance, best thing that ever happened around here was her disappearance. I am glad she finally followed through on her almost hourly threats to leave and never come back. Was like a wet shag rug was lifted off the place.
We can finally breathe!
Like an anchor, that one. Chains around an anchor with weights welded on. Inside a giant lead box.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Could Obama get elected without " evangelicals" ?

Mark Hansen wrote:It could be argued that providing the seed is the least part of fatherhood.

I would argue that providing seed is in no part fatherhood whatsoever. It is like saying that a car is not manufactured by a company, but the mine that the metal for the chasis was mined from.

Sure, it wouldn't be there without it, but it doesn't make a damn sight of difference if it comes from someplace else entirely.

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