Would You?: Erin Esurance

Total votes: 22 (59%)
She is a cartoon. Wtf, DrAwkward.
Total votes: 15 (41%)
Total votes: 37

Would You?: Erin Esurance

dontfeartheringo wrote:"Let the products sell themselves / fuck advertising, commercial psychology / psychological methods to sell should be destroyed,"

-d. boon

thread ender.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Would You?: Erin Esurance

kerble wrote:is Erin Insurance drawn by the folks that did Samurai Jack? they seem similar.

They look similar because they both lack an outline.

Jeebus. 3 pages on Erin Esurance?

Yeah, I probably would too.
That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
zom-zom wrote:Fuck you loser pussies that hate KISS.

Go listen to your beard-nerd aluminum guitar shit. See if I care.

Would You?: Erin Esurance

DrAwkward wrote:
BadComrade wrote:This is what the woman who does her voice looks like:


"Would you?: Mow M'lady"

Fucking hell... who are these dorks that draw pornographic "fan art" of a fucking cartoon commercial for an insurance company?

Feelin' pretty good about my life right about now...


I felt sort of creepy for even thinking a cartoon character is hot, but at least i'm not acting out bondage fantasies with them or posting them on the internet, for fucksake.

'Mo mellady' sounds like an R n' B album.

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