Your favorite albums that, objectively, are total disasters

ergo space pig wrote:

What makes this record significant in my mind, aside from having a handful of great songs throughout, is what it represents to the Pollard career arc: this was when he really started to say "fuck it" and let go of his more rational impulses. He started to go with a more "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" approach. Which, as any GBV fan knows, is exactly when things started to get interesting. This was the sound of Pollard finding his own true voice.

ergo space pig wrote:you're really, really, really missing out. Listen to Alien Lanes.

My favorite GBV album and, in fact, one of my very favorite albums of all time.

Your favorite albums that, objectively, are total disasters

pete worst wrote:
ergo space pig wrote:

What makes this record significant in my mind, aside from having a handful of great songs throughout, is what it represents to the Pollard career arc: this was when he really started to say "fuck it" and let go of his more rational impulses. He started to go with a more "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" approach. Which, as any GBV fan knows, is exactly when things started to get interesting. This was the sound of Pollard finding his own true voice.

I agree with that 100%. Though Self-Inflicted Aerial Nostalgia was almost as important to me because that seems to be where he really developed his songwriting skills and made the first really good front-to-back GBV album.

Your favorite albums that, objectively, are total disasters

ergo space pig wrote:Self-Inflicted Aerial Nostalgia was almost as important to me because that seems to be where he really developed his songwriting skills and made the first really good front-to-back GBV album.

Agreed back atcha. A bit more controlled, but a true GBV album nonetheless. On all previous albums, it was much more obvious who he was trying to emulate with each song.

Anyway, I love that band. I can talk GBV all day long.

Your favorite albums that, objectively, are total disasters

pete worst wrote:I can talk GBV all day long.

"Do the Collapse" was a mess due to Ric Ocasic's production but I do so love that album. "Strumpet Eye", "Optical Hopscotch" and especially "Surgical Focus" are unbelieveably great songs.

"Vampires on Titus" is still my favorite GBV but, except for "Liquid Indian", "Do the Collapse" is a great disaster.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Your favorite albums that, objectively, are total disasters

fancyjamtime wrote:"Do the Collapse" was a mess due to Ric Ocasic's production but I do so love that album. "Strumpet Eye", "Optical Hopscotch" and especially "Surgical Focus" are unbelieveably great songs.

"Vampires on Titus" is still my favorite GBV but, except for "Liquid Indian", "Do the Collapse" is a great disaster.

I take issue with some of the sequencing on that album, but maybe I'm still just a little frustrated by all that was going on in the GBV camp at that point. Mag Earwig is a killer album, but I saw the Cobra Verde line-up and that was really hard to take. By the time DTC came out, Pollard had some proving ground to cover in my mind. I was slow to embrace it. Meaning, it might've taken me a few months.

Your favorite albums that, objectively, are total disasters

pete worst wrote:
fancyjamtime wrote:"Do the Collapse" was a mess due to Ric Ocasic's production but I do so love that album. "Strumpet Eye", "Optical Hopscotch" and especially "Surgical Focus" are unbelieveably great songs.

"Vampires on Titus" is still my favorite GBV but, except for "Liquid Indian", "Do the Collapse" is a great disaster.

I take issue with some of the sequencing on that album, but maybe I'm still just a little frustrated by all that was going on in the GBV camp at that point. Mag Earwig is a killer album, but I saw the Cobra Verde line-up and that was really hard to take. By the time DTC came out, Pollard had some proving ground to cover in my mind. I was slow to embrace it. Meaning, it might've taken me a few months.

Heh, same here. "I am a Tree" is a fucking howler but it isn't a GBV song to me.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

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